This page short URL: q9q

As outlined in the overview, sh404SEF builds SEF URLs and then store them in the database, to retrieve them easily and quickly. To build URLs, it follows a set of rules defined in its configuration.

  • All settings default values have been carefully selected to provide the best results out of the box. We suggest to only modify them with great care!
  • Choosing settings and creating new sets of URLs is fine as long as a site is in development. But after launch, once search engines have started indexing pages of the site, URLs should normally not be modified unless you have a compelling reason to do so, as previous search ranking could be lost in the process

The most common settings related to building up SEF URLs on your site are grouped under the Main tab of sh404SEF configuration popup.

Screenshot of sh404SEF SEF URLs main settings

The settings on this page will mostly decide how specific characters in content title and aliases will be transformed (or not) when creating a SEF URL. Again, you should normally not change them, and refer to each setting tooltip (displayed by hovering your mouse over a setting label) to get all details about it.

All settings on this page will require that you Purge the URL database, so that new ones are created.