This page short URL: qxu


After spending lots of time creating wonderful content and making sure it follows search engines guidelines with respect to presentation and page technical content, your content must b discovered and known to as many (authoritative) people as possible. This is what may/will get you backlinks: other people publishing links to your content from their own sites.

Nowadays, a major tool to have your content discovered and viewed is to use social networks to share it with others. sh404SEF have you covered here with two types of features:

  • tagging: social networks have created tags that can be added to your pages, invisible to visitors, that will help them understand what your content is about. If they understand it well, then they can suggest it to people that should be interested by what you offer
  • Sharing buttons: sh404SEF can insert automatically in your page buttons coming from Facebook, Twitter and others, so that your visitors can directly share your content with others. Depending on your site content and the type of audience you have, this may be a very effective way to spread news of what your site is offering.

Tagging and Sharing buttons usage is covered in the next pages.