Last post 3 hours 44 min ago
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Helpdesk is open from Monday through Friday CET

Please create an (free) account to post any question in the support area.
Please check the development versions area. Look at the changelog, maybe your specific problem has been resolved already!
All tickets are private and they cannot be viewed by anyone. We have made public only a few tickets that we found helpful, after removing private information from them.
From March 8, 2024, OpenAI now requires that you purchase credits ahead of time to use their API.
Prior to this date, it was enough to provide them with a credit card and they would charge the amount you used at the end of the month.
You now need to purchase credits before you can use the API.
The prices are unchanged, simply you need to make sure to have enough credits on your account before the end of each month. 
Please refer to this OpenAI help page for further details.