Legal considerations
What is this all about?
It's a tradition: we run a public-facing website, so there has to be some legal considerations we need to explicitly state. And there you go...
Trademarks and endorsement. Or lack thereof.
Weeblr® is a registered trademarks used by permission of its owner.
Weeblr llc is not affiliated with or endorsed by the Joomla Project or Open Source Matters. The Joomla! name and logo are used under a limited license granted by Open Source Matters the trademark holder in the United States and other countries.
Usage of this website, and related services or products we may offer, is governed by its terms of usage which can be found on this page. Please leave the site if you disagree, but those are nice terms of usage, and we really don't want you to leave ;)
Same for the license: all of our extensions are GPL - which is good for you and for us we think.
Also, there's privacy: in short, we collect as little data as possible, and keep it for ourselves. For more details, this is our full privacy policy.
And last but not least, we do refunds. How is that even possible and how can you make it happen? Read it all on the refund policy page.