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A view of an AMP page created with wbAMP

wbAMP is being discontinued

Hi all,

As of today, we are discontinuing wbAMP, please read on to learn what that means exactly.


Over the last few months, we have seen Google, the originator of the AMP specification, move away from it. First, all signs of AMP pages - the amp icon - have been removed from the Google search results. Then the requirement that only AMP pages could appear in Top Stories and news carousels was dropped, meaning any page can do so while AMP was required before. And then the lead developer has left Google quietly a few months back, while other prominents AMP team members have also left, or moved to other positions within Google.

Finally, and more importantly, Core Web Vitals has been strongly promoted as the new way to promote speed in the seach results.This tells us that we are approaching the time where Google will drop AMP entirely.

We're not alone in thinking so: Twitter dropped AMP links in their mobile app and some large publishers - not all - start dropping it as well.

As such, I came to the conclusion that continuing our development effort on wbAMP was not a worthwhile  pursuit anymore: the SEO benefits of AMP do not offset the required work both for us and for site owners. There are better ways to do SEO on a Joomla site now.

Note that this decision is not linked to the need to migrate wbAMP to Joomla 4. We actually already did the work, more than a year ago (you can download the Joomla 4 version of wbAMP from the development versions downloads page). But I never released it publicly exactly for this reason.

A view of 4SEF main dashboard

4SEF beta + sh404SEF import into 4SEO available

Hi all,

Since 4SEF private beta announcement, a group of dedicated sh404SEF users have been testing and reporting issues on 4SEF. We've been hard at work fixing these issues, and adding features or changing things and I now feel it's stable enough for everyone to look and test for themselves. As such, 4SEF is now in public beta phase, meaning all sh404SEF subscribers can download, install and test it.

During that same time, we have also completed development of the sh404SEF data import feature in 4SEO, also available as beta since a few days ago, and so the path from sh404SEF is now ready to be tested and completed.

Still in beta testing?

Yes, 4SEF has been used by a number of advanced sh404SEF users but it needs to be exposed to a more varied set of websites. Likewise, sh404SEF data import into 4SEO has only just been completed, and while much simpler, it's safer to have a beta testing phase.

Please note that:

  • 4SEF is and will be available to all active sh404SEF subscribers to test on their site - or rather a copy of their site!  
  • 4SEO import from sh404SEF is available from 4SEO version 2.0. 4SEO itself is not a beta version, only the sh404SEF import feature is.

4SEF version 1.0 beta

 4SEF 1.0 beta is meant for testing. After the initial release, limited to a small number of people, it's already working pretty well, and can be used on real website today, just with a bit of caution. It's also been tested mostly with native Joomla content and common 3rd-party extensions.

If you use less common 3rd-party components, they likely have not been tested yet with 4SEF.

Once this phase of public beta testing is complete, 4SEF will be released to all sh404SEF / 4SEF subscribers.

It's worth mentioning again that there will be only subscription for both sh404SEF and 4SEF. If you have an active sh404SEF /4SEF subscription, you can use either extension at will on your site. 

4SEO data import from sh404SEF 

With 4SEF, you can automatically build great SEF URLs, that are not dependent on Joomla menu items. All articles have the same address, regardless of whether they are linked from a menu, once or multiple times.

But sh404SEF also had some SEO-related features such as:

  • managing metadata: page title, meta description, etc
  • creating redirects or canonical links

4SEF is purely a SEF URL extension, and these SEO features are now handled by 4SEO. If you have a lot of custom metadata and redirects created in sh404SEF, 4SEO can now import these directly from sh404SEF.

A view of 4SEF main dashboard

JoomlaDay FR is May 20-21, in person


Hi all,

It's happening: JoomlaDay FR will be in Bruxelles, Belgium on May 20 & 21, and this time, it's not all videos and online and recordings but we will all be together, in person, in a venue. How about a welcome change from the last nearly 3 years!

I'll be attending and speaking, together with a bunch of French-language and international speakers. Not too late to register and travel to beautiful Bruxelles, registration is here!

Note that:

  • the event is mostly in French of course, but there are some English-language sessions as well (see the program)
  • it won't be livestreamed, this is a real, in person JoomlaDay - the first worldwide since the pandemic started actually

Cheers all, looking forward to meeting again fellow Joomlers,


A view of 4SEF main dashboard

Join us at JoomlaDay USA - April 22-24


Hi all,

We're not yet to meet in person at a JoomlaDay (although this is fast approaching), but we have the next best thing happening next week: JoomlaDay USA will be live and online April 22-24!

JoomlaDay USA 2022 online

 The dynamic team at JoomlaDay USA has put together a wonderful event with. It will happen online, using a dedicated event platform so that you can enjoy best quality audio and video, as well as react and ask question in the most comfortable way.

There's a full line-up of international speakers (the only benefit of online events, really), covering all aspects of Joomla website development, although this edition has of course a strong Joomla 4 flavor!

The schedule includes a variety of talks, but over the 3 days event, we'll also enjoy on Friday 22:

  • An Introduction to Joomla class by Rod Martin
  • A Bugs & fun @home Joomla code development session for designers, programmers or users, hosted by Olivier Buisard

as well as, on Sunday 24:

  • Let's talk code, a programmer workshop hostd by Benjamin Trenkle, one of the lead developers for Joomla 4
  • The power of modules in Joomla 4, a user workshop with Maarten Blokdijk

A view of 4SEF main dashboard

4SEF enters private beta testing period

Hi all,

This is a post many of you have been waiting for a while, I do hope it will be worth the wait! 4SEF is entering a private beta testing phase today, and this post will outline what it means in practice.

 What is 4SEF?

4SEF is a Joomla 3 and Joomla 4 extension that offers SEF URLs creation and customization. If that sounds familiar, it's likely because this is what sh404SEF has been doing for about 15 years now and if you read this, there's a chance you've used sh404SEF at some point in your Joomla adventures!

sh404SEF however is not really capable of making the jump to Joomla 4, and it is also limited now in terms of pure SEO features.

Last year, 4SEO was released to take over all of sh404SEF SEO features and add many more. Now 4SEF is - nearly - ready to take over creating and managing SEF URLs for either Joomla 3 and Joomla 4 websites.

It's not a stripped-down version of sh404SEF, re-packaged for Joomla 4. 4SEF is using the same modern user interface that powers 4SEO, and all its code has been rewritten from scratch for better performance and some improved features, while retaining the same SEF URLs that sh404SEF produces.

Where are we now?

 4SEF is not ready for primetime just yet. Today we are opening a private beta testing phase. This means I'm asking for a (small) group of testers to contact us so that they can start working with, testing and reporting back issues they find with 4SEF.

We've been testing 4SEF internally for a few months now, but external input is needed. Once this phase is complete, then 4SEF will be released publicly.