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Josetta has been discontinued as of January 20, 2017. It is not developed any longer, and unsupported. This documentation is left available as a reference for past users.

Microsoft Translator is an online translation service by Microsoft which can be used by Josetta to suggest translations. This service can be used free of charge to translate up to 2,000,000 characters per month (as of august 2015).

To use Microsoft Translator with Josetta, you should:

  • have or create an account with Microsoft Translator
  • create an application for your site.

This specific page from the Microsoft Translation documentation will take you step by step through the needed procedure:

How to setup a Translator account

Once you've completed the sign-up process, you'll see this screen:

Client id and client secret on Microsoft translator

The Client id and Client secret are what you need to copy/paste into Josetta configuration, as per next page.