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Releases and security

Short posts about new releases made and security-related information.  To get this information on a timely manner, you can subscribe to the RSS feed, or follow us on Twitter, where each post will be relayed.

4SEF dashboard with count of SEF URLs created and chart of requests to the site

4SEF version 1.4.1


We're pleased to announce the release of 4SEF version 1.4.1.This is a maintenance release with multiple improvements and bug fixes.

Here are the highlights:

  • Revised category URLs URL customization: can now add a suffix to category URLs, and all duplicates are also redirected after a customization
  • Added option for category feeds safe mode, using format and type query vars instead of path segments
  • Changed API endpoint address to /index.php/_wblapi. Also always include nolangfilter=1 in API requests, to prevent language filter redirects
  • PHP error when triggering updates through the Joomla 4 command-line application
  • PHP warning about weblinksSlugForUncategorizedWeblinks on Weblinks component
  • SEF URLs for Weblinks component are not properly built, use Joomla SEF
  • Incorrect input validation allows entering invalid URLs when creating a SEF or customizing one

Please see this page for a full changelog. This release is immediately available both from the download area and using the one-click Joomla! updater of your web site.

Best regards



4Podcast audio player on weeblr.com podcast

4Podcast version 1.4.0


We're pleased to announce the release of 4Podcast version 1.4.0. This is a maintenance release fixing a few annoying bugs and changing the URL used in API calls.

Here are the highlights:

  • Changed API endpoint address to /index.php/_wblapi. Also always include nolangfilter=1 in API requests, to prevent language filter redirects
  • Missing UTF-8 response header in podcast rss feed
  • Downloads tracking does not work on Joomla 4
  • PHP error when triggering updates through the Joomla 4 command-line application
  • Links to podcast articles included in RSS feed may not be always correct, depending on the Joomla website menu structure, when using regular Joomla SEF URLs system.

Please see this page for a full changelog. This release is immediately available both from the download area and using the one-click Joomla! updater of your web site.

Best regards



4SEO chart built from Google Search Console data showing a website Search results performance

4SEO version 4.5.1


We're pleased to announce the release of 4SEO version 4.5.1. This is a maintenance release with multiple small improvements and bug fixes:

Here are the highlights:

  • Hikashop: do not default to using the website publisher if a brand is not specified for a product
  • More thorough clean-up of Hikashop own generated microdata on product pages
  • Automatic redirect from mixed-case URLs to lower case URLs is now disabled by default.
  • Removed sitemap partial file reading progress
  • Now forcing application/json content type on all POST/PUT/PATCH/DELETE fetch requests, should reduce mod_security incorrectly blocking requests
  • Do not try to log execution of built-in rules (firewall or others), this fills up the log files with useless error data
  • Hikashop structured data records always use default currency instead of actual
  • Automatic redirect to lowercased URLs does not work on multilingual sites if it is only the language code that has the wrong case
  • Automatic redirect to lowercased URLs only works in J4 is a 4SEO custom error page is enabled
  • Search Console integration Connect button is disabled and error message displayed if access key has dashes (-) in it
  • On multilingual sites, OpenGraph OG:locale value is incorrect, uses default language

Please see this page for a full changelog. This release is immediately available both from the download area and using the one-click Joomla! updater of your web site.

Best regards



4SEO chart built from Google Search Console data showing a website Search results performance

4SEO version 4.5.0


We're pleased to announce the release of 4SEO version 4.5.0. This is a feature release with many new features, multiple improvements to existing things and a few bug fixes:

Here are the highlights:

  • Added new SEO metadata rule type: allows customizing page title, description meta, robots meta and canonical for an entire set of pages with one rule
  • Added support for entering custom OpenGraph (Facebook and others) and TwitterCards title and description per page. Both from admin and frontend
  • Added ability to analyze a single page immediately rather than waiting for the background process to analyze it. Trigger analysis from the admin or the frontend. Use on newly created page, or refresh data for already analyzed pages.
  • Added content replacer ability to replace content only in Page title, meta description, OpenGraph title or description and Twitter Cards title or description.
  • Now checking for any applicable redirects from the native Joomla Redirect component before processing error display rules
  • Added option to redirect uppercase, or mixed-case, URLs to their all lowercase counterpart. Enabled by default but disabled if 4SEF or sh404SEF are running, as they already handle that situation better
  • Added new full translation to Lithuanian by Andrius Balsevičius
  • J2Store product SKU, name, brand, price and description now available as dynamic variables usable in content or meta
  • Hikashop product SKU, name, brand, price, description and condition now available as dynamic variables usable in content or meta
  • Updated Core Web Vitals library to latest, takes into account Prerendering in Chrome 108
  • Now automatically excluding language switcher flag images from sitemap
  • Image/file browser now sorts files and folder before displaying them
  • Detect when invalid access key has been entered on Joomla 4 Update sites pages and prevent starting a connection to Google Search Console if so
  • Blur update key when input field not focused
  • Sitemaps images exclusions rules are not always applied
  • gRegular expressions target in redirect rules cannot be entered unless they start with http(s)://
  • Fatal error on some rare configuration of article home pages
  • Long links are not broken/ellipsized on list pages

Please see this page for a full changelog. This release is immediately available both from the download area and using the one-click Joomla! updater of your web site.

Best regards
