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Releases and security

Short posts about new releases made and security-related information.  To get this information on a timely manner, you can subscribe to the RSS feed, or follow us on Twitter, where each post will be relayed.

4AI offering to save a newly created article

4AI version 2.2.0


We're pleased to announce the release of 4AI version 2.2.0. This is a maintenance release of 4AI, our AI-powered assistant for Joomla, with a few changes and additions.

Here are the highlights:

  • Updated OpenAI API pricing for gpt-3.5-turbo
  • Added a filter on the API endpoint, allow user customization
  • Assistant is now only hidden, not closed when hitting the Close button. Allows preserving all input and AI-generated content between use

Please see this page for a full changelog. This release is immediately available both from the download area and using the one-click Joomla! updater of your web site.

Best regards



4AI offering to save a newly created article

4AI version 2.1.0


We're pleased to announce the release of 4AI version 2.1.0. This is a maintenance release of 4AI, our AI-powered assistant for Joomla, with changes and a few bug fixes.

Here are the highlights:

  • Removed Tweet this button for second and more tweets in a thread, to make it clear the additional tweets must be added to the first one and not tweeted separately
  • Assistant keyboard shortcuts now added for within TinyMCE editor
  • When creating HTML email, added instructions to create headings in content
  • Added a filter to allow 3rd-party extensions to force or prevent the display of 4AI assistant on their own pages
  • Summary, expand, shorten and rewrite for keywords transform operation may use the wrong language (on multilingual sites) on content assigned to all languages
  • Facebook summary shows Twitter thread count
  • Missing language string for chat request types in component

Please see this page for a full changelog. This release is immediately available both from the download area and using the one-click Joomla! updater of your web site.

Best regards



4AI offering to save a newly created article

4AI version 2.0.0


We're pleased to announce the release of 4AI version 2.0.0. This is a feature and maintenance release of 4AI, our AI-powered assitant for Joomla.

Here are the highlights:

  • Added live chat feature
  • Do not display language in response summary for expand and shorten actions
  • Add organization ID to requests when using OpenAI API
  • Added option to select between higher quality or faster AI model
  • Tokens counter are now all of the same color
  • Make assistant use the same color theme as the component
  • No language should be specified for shorten or expand transformations
  • Facebook and LinkedIn posts are not readable when using light theme

Please see this page for a full changelog. This release is immediately available both from the download area and using the one-click Joomla! updater of your web site.

Best regards



4SEF dashboard with count of SEF URLs created and chart of requests to the site

4SEF version 1.5.1


We're pleased to announce the release of 4SEF version 1.5.1. This is a maintenance release with a single bug fix and a change.

Here are the highlights:

  • Added JCE and ContentHistory to the list of non-routable components, for which URLs should be left non-sef
  • Menu items to home page can sometimes not be recognized as such and use the menu item alias instead of the home page link

Please see this page for a full changelog. This release is immediately available both from the download area and using the one-click Joomla! updater of your web site.

Best regards
