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#9384 – Joomla 4, LiteSpeed, YOOTheme Pro compatibility

Posted in ‘Pre-sale questions’
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Wednesday, 11 January 2023 23:50 UTC
Hello, I want to know if it will work well with LiteSpeed server, I am hosting my site in a cPanel LAMP server with LiteSpeed, PHP 8, and CloudLinux, on a bird's eye reading it should work, just need to make confirm. Also whats the difference berween 4SEO and 4SEF? Do 4SEO helps with the friendly URLs? besides the ones that Joomla creates? Thank you for your time, hope you dont laugh to hard at hese silly questions... Regards, Jose.
Thursday, 12 January 2023 09:06 UTC


Hello, I want to know if it will work well with LiteSpeed server, I am hosting my site in a cPanel LAMP server with LiteSpeed, PHP 8, and CloudLinux, on a bird's eye reading it should work, just need to make confirm

4SEO and 4SEF are Joomla extensions. They run inside Joomla and are not concerned with the server you are running on, assuming it's within the technical requirements (4SEO, 4SEF).

Also whats the difference berween 4SEO and 4SEF? Do 4SEO helps with the friendly URLs? besides the ones that Joomla creates?

4SEO does not do anything with SEF URLs. It does not know or does not care how SEF URLs are produced, so that it can work with regular Joomla SEFR, sh404SEF, 4SEF, JoomSEF or any other SEF extension. 4SEO is an SEO-only extension, and it does a lot, lot more than sh404SEF ever did in that field.

4SEF has only one purpose: create and manage SEF URLs. It does absolutely nothing else than create and manage URLs, very much in the same way sh404SEF did. 4SEF is a bit like sh404SEF if you removed all the SEO feature. However, 4SEF is a modern extension, built as a single page application to be fast and easy to use.

Maybe you can have a look at each product Getting Started video, they are at the bottom of each of these product pages.

Best regards

Yannick Gaultier

weeblr.com / @weeblr



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