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#6599 – Pre purchase - Writing new url's on the fly

Posted in ‘Pre-sale questions’
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Tuesday, 10 September 2019 15:25 UTC
Hi Guys

We have a component that isn't supported by sh404sef.

It is generating URL's links like the following "index.php?option=com_dutchfactory&Itemid=101&id=27%7Ctestname-co-uk&lang=en&task=viewbids"

Which looks like this using Joomla's url rewriting (without sh404sef".

Is there anyway if we bought your software for it to write a rule to automatically on the fly change all of these links as they are created to look like this

etc - stripping out everything but leaving the domain name

Tuesday, 10 September 2019 15:45 UTC

Which looks like this using Joomla's url rewriting (without sh404sef".
You should at least get the same result as with Joomla SEF. I can't say much more but if it has a router.php file meant for Joomla this should be used for sh404SEF as well.

Maybe this component has support for an old sh404SEF version or another SEF extension and it does not work. Can't say without actually looking into the details of it but again, whatever is achieved with Joomla SEF should be achieved with sh404SEF.

Best regards
Tuesday, 10 September 2019 16:41 UTC
Thank you for your reply,

This is the content of the route.php file. If we requested it, is it possible we could pay you to write a plugin for us that sh404 would support to do what we wanted?

This isn't very widely used software so doubt there would be much demand for it from other customers but we are willing to pay if it can be done?

Kind Regards


defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');

// Stupid but idiot
$Tapp = JFactory::getApplication();

* Dutch Component Route Helper
* @static
* @package Dutch Factory
* @subpackage Router
class DutchFactoryHelperRoute

* getSEFCatString
* @param $id
* @return mixed
public static function getSEFCatString($id)

$catOb = DutchFactoryHelperTools::getCategoryModel();

return $catOb->getCategoryPathString($id);


* getMenuItemByTaskName
* Get the Parameter Task ItemID
* if more than one menu items of same task, returns the first
* @param string $task_name
* @return int
public static function getMenuItemByTaskName($task_name)
$database = JFactory::getDBO();
$database->setQuery("SELECT `id` FROM `#__menu` WHERE `link` LIKE '%task=$task_name%' ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 0 , 1 ");

return $database->loadResult();

* getMenuItemId
* Finds The Menu Item Of the Component
* by the needles as params
* needle example: 'view' => 'category'
* @param $needles
* @return null
* @internal param array $needle
* @since 1.5.0
public static function getMenuItemId($needles)

$component = JComponentHelper::getComponent('com_dutchfactory');

$app = JFactory::getApplication();
$menus = $app->getMenu('site', array());
$items = $menus->getItems('component_id', $component->id);

$match = NULL;

foreach ($items as $item) {

$ok = TRUE;
foreach ($needles as $needle => $id) {
if (@$item->query[$needle] != $id) {

$ok = FALSE;
if ($ok == TRUE) {
$match = $item;

if (isset($match)) {

return $match->id;
} else
return NULL;

* getItemid
* @param null $needles
* @return string
public static function getItemid($needles = NULL)


$Itemid = JFactory::getApplication()->input->getInt('Itemid');
if (!$Itemid) $Itemid = DutchFactoryHelperTools::getMenuItemId($needles);

if ($Itemid) return "&Itemid=" . $Itemid;

return "";

* getItemidByTask
* @param string|null $task
* @return bool|mixed
public static function getItemidByTask($task = NULL)
if (!$task) {
return NULL;
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$query = "SELECT `id` FROM `#__menu` WHERE `link` LIKE '%{$task}%' AND `client_id` = 0";

if ($db->loadResult()) {
return "&Itemid=" . $db->loadResult();

return "&Itemid=0";

* getAuctionListRoute
* @param string|null $filters
* @param bool $xhtml
* @return null|string
public static function getAuctionListRoute($filters = NULL, $xhtml = TRUE)

$link = "index.php?option=com_dutchfactory&task=listauctions";
if (is_array($filters)) {
foreach ($filters as $k => $v)
$link .= "&$k=$v";
} elseif ($filters) $link .= $filters;
$link .= self::getItemid(array('task' => 'listauctions'));

return JRoute::_($link, $xhtml);


* getUserdetailsRoute
* @param int|null $userid
* @param bool $xhtml
* @param string $fragment Url fragment
* @return null|string
public static function getUserdetailsRoute($userid = NULL, $xhtml = TRUE, $fragment = '')

$link = "index.php?option=com_dutchfactory&task=userdetails" . ($userid ? '&id=' . $userid : '') . '#' . $fragment;

return JRoute::_($link, $xhtml);

* getAddFundsRoute
* @param bool $xhtml
* @return null|string
public static function getAddFundsRoute($xhtml = TRUE)
$link = "index.php?option=com_dutchfactory&task=balance.addfunds" . self::getItemid(array('task' => 'userdetails'));

return JRoute::_($link, $xhtml);

* getPaymentsHistoryRoute
* @param bool $xhtml
* @return null|string
public static function getPaymentsHistoryRoute($xhtml = TRUE)
$link = "index.php?option=com_dutchfactory&task=payments.history" . self::getItemid(array('task' => 'userdetails'));

return JRoute::_($link, $xhtml);

* getCheckoutRoute
* @param int $orderid
* @param bool $xhtml
* @return null|string
public static function getCheckoutRoute($orderid, $xhtml = TRUE)
$link = "index.php?option=com_dutchfactory&task=orderprocessor.checkout&orderid=$orderid" . self::getItemid(array('task' => 'form', 'task' => 'editauction', 'task' => 'new'));

return JRoute::_($link, $xhtml);

* getFeaturedRoute
* @param int $auctionid
* @param bool $xhtml
* @return null|string
public static function getFeaturedRoute($auctionid, $xhtml = TRUE)
$link = "index.php?option=com_dutchfactory&task=setfeatured&id=" . $auctionid . self::getItemid(array('task' => 'viewbids', 'task' => 'details'));

return JRoute::_($link, $xhtml);

* getAuctionDetailRoute
* @param object $auction JTableDutchAuction
* @param bool $xhtml
* @return mixed
public static function getAuctionDetailRoute($auction, $xhtml = TRUE)
return JHtml::_('auctiondetails.auctionDetailsURL', $auction, $xhtml);

* getNewAuctionRoute
* @param bool $xhtml
* @return null|string
public static function getNewAuctionRoute($xhtml = TRUE)
$link = "index.php?option=com_dutchfactory&task=newauction" . self::getItemid(array('task' => 'form'));

return JRoute::_($link, $xhtml);

* getCategoriesRoute
* @param int|null $catid
* @param bool $xhtml
* @return null|string
public static function getCategoriesRoute($catid = NULL, $xhtml = TRUE)
$link = "index.php?option=com_dutchfactory&task=listcats" . self::getItemid(array("task" => "listcats"), array("task" => "listauctions"));
if ($catid) $link .= "&cat={$catid}";

return JRoute::_($link, $xhtml);

* getAddToCatWatchlist
* @param int $catid
* @param bool $xhtml
* @return null|string
public static function getAddToCatWatchlist($catid, $xhtml = TRUE)
$link = "index.php?option=com_dutchfactory&task=addwatchcat&cat={$catid}" . self::getItemid(array('task' => 'listcats'));

return JRoute::_($link, $xhtml);

* getDelToCatWatchlist
* @param int $catid
* @param bool $xhtml
* @return null|string
public static function getDelToCatWatchlist($catid, $xhtml = TRUE)
$link = "index.php?option=com_dutchfactory&task=delwatchcat&cat={$catid}" . self::getItemid(array('task' => 'listcats'));

return JRoute::_($link, $xhtml);

* getCategoryRoute
* @param int|null $catid
* @param string $task
* @param string|null $catslug
* @param bool $xhtml
* @param string|null $filterLetter
* @return null|string
public static function getCategoryRoute($catid = NULL, $task = 'categories', $catslug = NULL, $xhtml = TRUE, $filterLetter = NULL)

$link = "index.php?option=com_dutchfactory&task={$task}" . (($catid) ? ("&cat={$catid}") : ("")) . $catslug . ($filterLetter ? '&filter_letter=' . $filterLetter : '');

return JRoute::_($link, $xhtml);

* getUserRatingsRoute
* @static
* @param int|null $userid
* @return string
public static function getUserRatingsRoute($userid = NULL)
if ($userid)
$link = "index.php?option=" . APP_EXTENSION . "&task=userratings&id={$userid}" . self::getItemid(array('task' => 'UserProfile'));
$link = "index.php?option=" . APP_EXTENSION . "&task=myratings" . self::getItemid(array('task' => 'userdetails'));

return JRoute::_($link);

Tuesday, 10 September 2019 16:46 UTC
oh, sorry the above is a file called route.php

There is also a file called router.php - don't worry we totally understand if you don't want to take this one. This other persons code is all over the place.



* com_dutchfactory - Dutch Auction Factory
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* @author thePHPfactory
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2014 SKEPSIS Consult SRL. All Rights Reserved.
* @license - GNU/GPL
* Websites:
* Technical Support: Forum -
* @package : Dutch Auction Factory
* @subpackage: Router
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
defined('DS') || define('DS', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);

require_once(JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_dutchfactory' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'tools.php');
require_once(JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_dutchfactory' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'route.php');

* dutchFactoryBuildRoute
* @param $query
* @return array
function dutchFactoryBuildRoute(&$query)

$segments = array();
if (empty($query['task'])) {
return $segments;

$task = strtolower($query['task']);

switch ($task) {
case 'viewbids':
if (!empty($query['id'])) {

$segments[] = $task;
$id = $query['id'];

if (FALSE !== strpos($query['id'], '|')) {
list($id, $title) = explode('|', $query['id']);

$segments[] = $id;
if (isset($title)) {
$segments[] = JFilterOutput::stringURLUnicodeSlug($title);

case 'accept':
if (!empty($query['bid'])) {
$segments[] = $task;
$segments[] = 'bid';
$segments[] = $query['bid'];
case 'listcats':
case 'tree':

$segments[] = $task;

if (isset($query['cat']) && $query['cat']) {

$path = dutchFactorySEFCatPath($query['cat']);
$segments[] = implode('/', $path) . '/' . $query['cat'];

case 'search';

$segments[] = $task;

case 'tags':

$segments[] = $task;
if (!empty($query['tagid'])) {
list($tagid, $slug) = explode(':', $query['tagid']);
$segments[] = $tagid;
$segments[] = JFilterOutput::stringURLUnicodeSlug($slug);

case 'listauctions':

$segments[] = $task;

if (!empty($query['cat'])) {

$path = dutchFactorySEFCatPath($query['cat']);
$segments[] = implode('/', $path) . '/' . $query['cat'];


if (!empty($query['users'])) {

$username = dutchFactorySefUsername($query['users']);
if ($username) {
$segments[] = 'user/' . $query['users'] . '/' . JFilterOutput::stringURLUnicodeSlug($username);
case 'userdetails':

$segments[] = $task;

if (!empty($query['id'])) {

$username = dutchFactorySefUsername($query['id']);
if ($username) {
$segments[] = $query['id'];
$segments[] = JFilterOutput::stringURLUnicodeSlug($username);


if (FALSE == strpos($task, '.')) {
$segments[] = $task;
} else {
$query['task'] = $task;


return $segments;

* dutchFactoryParseRoute
* @param $segments
* @return array
function dutchFactoryParseRoute($segments)

$vars = array();

switch ($segments[0]) {
case 'viewbids':

$vars['task'] = 'viewbids';
// $v=explode(':',$segments[1]);
// $vars['id']=$v[0];

if (isset($segments[2])) {
$segments[2] = str_replace('|', '', $segments[2]);
$vars['id'] = $segments[1] . '|' . $segments[2];
} else {
$vars['id'] = $segments[1];

case 'accept':
$vars['task'] = 'accept';
if (isset($segments[2]) && $segments[1] == 'bid') {
$vars['bid'] = $segments[2];
case 'search':

$vars['task'] = 'search';

case 'tags':

$vars['task'] = 'tags';
$vars['tagid'] = $segments[1] . ':' . $segments[2];

case 'listauctions':

$vars['task'] = 'listauctions';

$categories = $segments;

if (isset($segments[1]) && $segments[1] == "user") {
$vars['users'] = $segments[2];
} else {
$vars['cat'] = end($categories);

case 'userdetails':

$vars['task'] = 'userdetails';

$userId = isset($segments[1]) ? $segments[1] : 0;
if ($userId) {
$vars['id'] = $userId;


case 'listcats':
case 'tree':

$vars['task'] = $segments[0];
if (count($segments) > 1) {
$vars['cat'] = intval(end($segments));



$vars['task'] = $segments[0];


$needles = array();
if (!empty($vars['task'])) {
$needles["task"] = $vars['task'];
if ($router_itemID = DutchFactoryHelperRoute::getMenuItemId($needles)) {
$vars["Itemid"] = $router_itemID;

return $vars;

* dutchFactorySEFCatPath
* @param $catid
* @return mixed
function dutchFactorySEFCatPath($catid)

static $paths = array();

if (!isset($paths[$catid])) {

$database = JFactory::getDbo();

$q = $database->getQuery(TRUE);
->from('#__categories c')
->leftJoin('#__categories p ON c.lft BETWEEN p.lft AND p.rgt')
->where('p.extension=\'com_dutchfactory\' AND p.published=1 AND' . $database->quote($catid))
->order('p.lft ASC');
$pathRows = $database->loadObjectList();

$path = array();
foreach ($pathRows as $r) {

if ($r->id == 1) {
//category system root

$path[] = JFilterOutput::stringURLUnicodeSlug($r->title);

$paths[$catid] = $path;

return $paths[$catid];

* dutchFactorySefUsername
* @param $userid
* @return mixed
function dutchFactorySefUsername($userid)

static $usernames = array();

if (!isset($usernames[$userid])) {

$database = JFactory::getDbo();

$q = "SELECT username FROM #__users WHERE id=" . $database->quote($userid);
$rec = $database->loadObject();

$usernames[$userid] = empty($rec->username) ? 0 : $rec->username;

return $usernames[$userid];
Tuesday, 10 September 2019 16:50 UTC

It's the router.php file that matters and it should work pretty much the same with Joomla and sh404SEF - if no other plugin for sh404SEF or another extensions is there and breaking the whole thing.

If you have a router.php, it should work, with no need for custom code. 99% of extensions work without specific sh404SEF support.

Best regards
Tuesday, 10 September 2019 17:06 UTC
Cheers for that

I'm pretty sure you are write in that in will rewrite them, it looks great software. What we were trying to get the system to do was rewrite them automatically according to a rule without us having to rewrite each url individually.

Can I just confirm that you think that this is possible with your software?

Sorry to be a pain, just saves us asking you questions after we have purchased it.

Tuesday, 10 September 2019 17:16 UTC

Can I just confirm that you think that this is possible with your software?
I can only say that if it works with Joomla SEF it will work with sh404SEF. Will it require some custom coding? I don't see why but you cannot have any guarantee on that. If some custom coding is required, yes we can be hired to do that.

Best regards
Tuesday, 10 September 2019 17:33 UTC
Perfect, thank you very much. I'll sign up this evening.

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