Im looking for a component that will let me not to show some parts of the url in virtuemart, for example when you seach for something it automatically uses sitename.com/component/virtuemart/search?virtuemart_category_id=0&keyword=sdff&submit_search=&limitstart=0&option=com_virtuemart&view=category can i prevent that "component/virtuemart/" and other things will show up? as i have seo activated and friendly urls but in virtuemart there are lots of places where things like this happens that show "component/virtuemart/" or that "virtuemart_category_id" or "com_virtuemart" in the urls, can i prevent this happening in all the site including virtuemart with this component?
Im looking for a component that will let me not to show some parts of the url in virtuemart, for example when you seach for something it automatically uses sitename.com/component/virtuemart/search?virtuemart_category_id=0&keyword=sdff&submit_search=&limitstart=0&option=com_virtuemart&view=category can i prevent that "component/virtuemart/" and other things will show up? as i have seo activated and friendly urls but in virtuemart there are lots of places where things like this happens that show "component/virtuemart/" or that "virtuemart_category_id" or "com_virtuemart" in the urls, can i prevent this happening in all the site including virtuemart with this component?