We create a custom cookie to store a promo code on our site (in development now; being upgraded from J3 to J4; working on a new template).
URL example - "home" page: https://ccj4.lan?m=PROMO
URL example - "normal" page: https://ccj4.lan/card-replacement?m=PROMO
1) page title is not like the one set in 4SEO, it defaults to the one set in Joomla Configuration
2) page description is not like the one set in 4SEO, it defaults to the one set in Joomla Configuration
3) same applies to the following meta tags "twitter::title", "twitter::description", "og:title", "og:description"
Similar problem was with SH404SEF - ticket #1047, which was resolved years ago.
What we had to do (well, still do in production) is edit '/administrator/components/com_sh404sef/configuration/configuration.php' and around line 29 add "m" to parameters list ie: private $_trackingVars = array('utm_source', 'utm_medium', 'utm_term', 'utm_content', 'utm_id', 'utm_campaign', 'gclid', 'fbclid', 'fb_xd_bust',
'fb_xd_fragment', 'hitcount', 'm');
We also had to disable "Remote configuration". This fixed it for "normal" pages and shortly after you improved home detection so all was resolved. See the old ticket for details if needed.
How do we fix it in 4SEO?