SEOInfo, our free Chrome and Firefox extension
A couple of months ago, I started using Firefox more and more and found that I was missing on at least one SEO-related extension. That's when I set out to build a simple browser extension to accompany me in Firefox and ... 2 months later, we now have a fully featured Firefox and Chrome SEO extension. Yes, it was so useful to me on Firefox that I could not do without it on Chrome :)
Here's is a short extract from the documentation:
SEOInfo displays icon alerts as you navigate website pages for SEO-related technical errors. At the click of a button, all SEO and performance information and graphs about the current page are displayed. This includes SEO checks and AMP validation inside the extension. This information can be saved with a single click to another tab for printing or saving to file.
What SEOInfo does
Plenty of things! A nearly full list can be found on this page of the documentation but there are mostly 2 things I wanted to achieve:
- Get alerts on SEO-related issue while navigating pages of a website, withouth having to click on something or do anything at all
- When needed, click a button to get a/ full information about the current page and b/ even more checks and validation at a click of a button
SEOInfo alerts you while navigating of such errors as invalid canonical links, invalid AMP pages, invalid HRefLangs tags, pages or resources blocked by robots.txt, errors in images, css or javascript files, mobile-compatibillity and so on.
Being the provider of AMP plugins, we wanted to easily identify invalid AMP pages, so SEOInfo will tell you if any AMP page you visit is valid or not. It will actually tell you whether the AMP version of a page is valid without having to visit it. Just navigate your site: if a page has an AMP version, SEOInfo will tell you, validate that AMP version and alerts you if errors or warning are found:
You can then click the icon to get full reports and more features:
SEOInfo popup has a really detailed breakdown of the current page information with a strong focus on:
- Performance information: both speed and file size - cached vs transferred, including First Contentful paint on Chrome
- Accelerated Mobile Pages
- Structured data, OGP tags, Twitter cards: we added links to directly go to online validators with one click, a big time saver!
- Hreflang validation: we'll check validity of language codes, country and script codes, blocking by robots and meta. In both current page and all other linked pages as required by the specification
- Identifying resources and elements that could be blocked by robots.txt or meta robots tags
How to get SEOInfo
SEOInfo is available for Chrome and Firefox on their respective extensions stores:
Chrome: SEOInfo page on Chrome web store
Firefox: SEOInfo page on Firefox Add-ons website
SEOInfo is and will be free of charge. It is a self-contained extension and does not use any external service to operate.
PS: SEOInfo is available in English, French and Spanish. Contact me by email (see footer of the site) if you would like to translate it your language.
PS2: SEOInfo home page and documentation is located at this page of our documentation center. Please direct any question to this section of our helpdesk.