Join us at JoomlaDay USA - April 22-24
Hi all,
We're not yet to meet in person at a JoomlaDay (although this is fast approaching), but we have the next best thing happening next week: JoomlaDay USA will be live and online April 22-24!
JoomlaDay USA 2022 online
The dynamic team at JoomlaDay USA has put together a wonderful event with. It will happen online, using a dedicated event platform so that you can enjoy best quality audio and video, as well as react and ask question in the most comfortable way.
There's a full line-up of international speakers (the only benefit of online events, really), covering all aspects of Joomla website development, although this edition has of course a strong Joomla 4 flavor!
The schedule includes a variety of talks, but over the 3 days event, we'll also enjoy on Friday 22:
- An Introduction to Joomla class by Rod Martin
- A Bugs & fun @home Joomla code development session for designers, programmers or users, hosted by Olivier Buisard
as well as, on Sunday 24:
- Let's talk code, a programmer workshop hostd by Benjamin Trenkle, one of the lead developers for Joomla 4
- The power of modules in Joomla 4, a user workshop with Maarten Blokdijk
We'll be there!
I'm lucky to have been selected as a speaker and I'll be delighted if you were to join me to discuss What does it take to do Joomla SEO in 2022, on Saturday 23 at 10:15 AM EDT (14:15 UTC).
How can you join?
The event is happening on line and you can simply register online at the JoomlaDay USA website. This is a paid event, your ticket lets you view all sessions live, as well as the recordings at the time that suits you.
Free tickets anyone?
Just like last year - when we premiered 4SEO - I am glad to be a sponsor to JoomlaDay USA and as such, we'll be giving away some free tickets. Look out for the announcement on Twitter tomorrow!
We'll also have a (virtual) booth, where you can meet me and chat during most of the event. Feel free to stop by and I'll show you around 4SEO, or maybe discuss how the beta testing of our upcoming 4SEF is going ;)
Cheers all, looking forward to meeting again fellow Joomlers,