4Command version 1.1.0
We're pleased to announce the release of 4Command version 1.1.0. This is a feature and maintenance release with many additions and improvements.
Here are the highlights:
- Added lorem ipsum sample text generator
- Added simple calculator mode triggered by starting a prompt with =
- Optionally show a list of the last few most recent actions at the top of the available ones in the command palette
- Added links: searchable, direct access to editing all frontend template styles
- Added actions: set cache mode to None, Conservative or Progressive
- Added links: direct, searchable access to all per component global configuration page
- Added action: resend activation email to selected users
- Reworked accessibility aria markup for all tab switchers
- Updated video on Help page to show a full-length presentation of 4Command
- More explicit wording for prompt to reload page after editor switching
- Better cleaning of modules and plugins names before using them as searchable keywords, may cause javacript error
- Component dashboard may throw an error on some websites
- Show trashed items action is displayed regardless of whether there are any trashed items on the page, as long as there's no searched text in the 4Command dialog
Please see this page for a full changelog. This release is immediately available both from the download area and using the one-click Joomla! updater of your web site.
Best regards