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#9352 – Admin Tools Pro

Posted in ‘Pre-sale questions’
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Wednesday, 04 January 2023 09:28 UTC
Hello, I'm going to buy 4SEO. Is there any incompatibility with Admin Tool?more generally, if for one of the 4SEO features I prefer to use another component, is it possible to disable it while leaving all the others active? For example, if I wanted to use EF SEO to create metadata, is it possible for both plugins to coexist?Regards
Wednesday, 04 January 2023 09:39 UTC


Is there any incompatibility with Admin Tool?

Initially, Admin Tools had an issue and was incorrectly blocking 4SEO sitemaps but they fixed that bug and so if you're using an up to date AdminTools version, you should be fine. In any case, the Admin Tools support will tell you exactly what to do in Admin Tools to unblock the sitemap. 

Other than that, I have not had any issue report linked to Admin Tools.

more generally, if for one of the 4SEO features I prefer to use another component, is it possible to disable it while leaving all the others active? For example, if I wanted to use EF SEO to create metadata, is it possible for both plugins to coexist?Regards

On 4SEO side, yes. On other extensions sides, you'll need to check. I don't know why you would want to keep EFSEO though, unless you have lots of data in it of course. The less extensions the better usually.

Best regards

Yannick Gaultier

weeblr.com / @weeblr



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