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#9165 – Buying Both Extensions Discount

Posted in ‘Pre-sale questions’
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Sunday, 23 October 2022 10:28 UTC
Hi, I don't want to be negative here but I've seen your responses of no discounts even during major discount holidays. The reason being that you are using is that means you would need to raise the prices... overall than.    My argument is that like almost every service out there if you bundle products together you usually can get a discount. I want to use both your extensions. If you were to offer a bundle offer I'd buy it right away. It just seems so strange to me that if you bundle you wouldn't offer a discount.  I'd love to buy both of them if there was a bundled discount. I know you offer 20% off renewals but right now given inflation and the economy I can get away with using other inferior products for half the cost. I rather use yours but bundled together its just too much. If you had a bundled discount I'd love to buy both. Is there anyway you are willing to make a bundle offer?   
Monday, 24 October 2022 07:59 UTC


Sorry to feel that way. I do understand inflation. Do you realize that I spent nearly 8 months developing 4SEF and we are offering it in a subscription, grouped with sh404SEF that sells for $44, the same price we have been selling this subscription since 2015?

My argument is that like almost every service out there if you bundle products together you usually can get a discount

I'm not sure I see what your argument is here? You usually get a discount so I should offer a discount?

I think what I explained before still stands:

- the normal price for sh404SEF/4SEF should be in the $100 per year at least

- the normal price for 4SEO should probably be $100/year per site

sh404SEF started as a free of charge extension. When I had to spend 30hours a week in support on top of my job, I created Weeblr and offered subscriptions to make it sustainable. Due to this "free of charge" and "share everything" roots, I have always made anything I could to:

- keep all prices as low as possible

- have the same price for everyone

This certainly has limited the growth of this company but I'll stick to that as long as I can. When I can't do it any more, then maybe I'll start to do "discount and promotions" marketing as most other do. When that happens, I will first have to increase all prices by 20 or 30%, which is exactly what I want to avoid at all cost.

Best regards

Yannick Gaultier

weeblr.com / @weeblr



Thursday, 24 November 2022 05:34 UTC
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