Currently, we are using sh404SEF and Jsitemap on the websites we are developing.
Jsitemap provides the HTML sitemap for Internet users and the XML sitemap for bots.
Does 4SEO provide both types (HTML and XML) of sitemaps?
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Currently, we are using sh404SEF and Jsitemap on the websites we are developing.
Jsitemap provides the HTML sitemap for Internet users and the XML sitemap for bots.
Does 4SEO provide both types (HTML and XML) of sitemaps?
4SEO does not provide HTML sitemap and we currently have no plan on adding this as it's not related to either SEO or sitemap.
Usually HTML sitemap basically only present menu items and sometimes with some articles as well. So it can indeed be useful to users in some way but again is not related to SEO.
It's not related to sitemap because items that should be in the HTML sitemap (contact us, log-in, etc) should not be in the XML sitemap, so you don't need to XML sitemap to build the HTML one.
4SEO focuses on the actual XML sitemap, used for search engines. Because it's a common request, I plan on doing a small plugin, free for all, doing just that but I don't have an ETA for that.
What do you include in the HTML sitemap? only menu items? some articles?
Actually, the first step will be to search the JED for that because I'm pretty sure this already exists!
Best regards
Yannick Gaultier
weeblr.com / @weeblr
Thank you for your reply.
We display part of the menus in the HTML sitemap. Not all, some menus are redundant and we don't display them. There is also the invisible menu of Flexicontent that we do not display. When using DocMan, a menu is displayed with the DocMan items. We use Jsitemap for the HTML and XML sitemap.