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#7882 – wbAMP and JoomSEF
while it returns 404 error page on urls like "mypage.amp.html
What sort of error? exactly? a web server or one from Joomla? Most likely, this is your .htaccess file playing tricks here.
I cannot guarantee wbAMP will work with JoomSEF as I did not try it myself but I know some users have in the past with no issue. Again, which type of 404 you get is what matters here.
Best regards
Yannick Gaultier / @weeblr
You are right then, it's coming from JoomSEF, for some reason, it does not accept URLs ending in .amp.html I suspect, put some restrictions on that. That's something you should bring up to the JoomSEF people, I don't think I can suggest anything here, as there's a need to look at JoomSEF internals to understand why it's blocking .amp.html URLs?
Best regards
Yannick Gaultier / @weeblr