Hi there,
I'm heard Sh404sef can do something similar, but I'd like to know if it's possible before I purchase it.
I have a category strcture like this /cat-1/cat-2/cat-3/cat-4
and an article with alias like this my-article-alias
I was wondering if it's possible to have customized url using not the full category path, but only 2 levels if it?
For example
this >>> http://site.com/cat-1/cat-2/my-article-alias
instead of >>> http://site.com/cat-1/cat-2/cat-3/cat-4/my-article-alias
build url with somekind of tag or custom field value, so I can mimic something similar to
http://site.com/cat-1/cat-2/my-article-alias with
http://site.com/cat-1/{article custom field A}/my-article-alias where {article custom field A} is "cat-2" for this article?
top category cat-1 don't change so I believe it's able to mimic the structure with static custom url /cat-a
so basically I want the url to display only up to 2 levels of category.
Sorry if I can't express myself clearly
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#7432 – customize url using category
Posted in ‘Pre-sale questions’
This is a public ticket. Everybody will be able to see its contents. Do not include usernames, passwords or any other sensitive information.
It depends on what type of content we are talking about. For regular Joomla content, the categories included in the an article URL can be configured as follow:
We also have support for Virtumart product URL category configuration. For other types of content, usually all categories will be included but that's really dependent on the extension itself.
Best regards
Yannick Gaultier
weeblr.com / @weeblr
wow, that's almost perfect, is it possible to configure it to Top 3 categories? Yes, we're talking about Joomla content Thanks
Not as par of sh404SEF operation. You could always write or have someone write custom code for that but that would be fairly involved.
Best regards
Yannick Gaultier
weeblr.com / @weeblr
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