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#6527 – Presales question about trailing slash?

Posted in ‘Pre-sale questions’
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Sunday, 24 June 2018 20:47 UTC
Now we use ArtioSEF.
We have some reasons to switch on sh404sef.
But we found many questions from other customers about trailing slash for categories ulrs.
So, question is: does your component have option to disable/enable trailing slash in categories urls.
Monday, 25 June 2018 09:57 UTC

does your component have option to disable/enable trailing slash in categories urls.
No, and we certainly do not want that. Slashes are appended to categories, while they are never appended to articles. This is to prevent collisions when user have articles and categories with the same alias - a fairly common situation.

sh404SEF will however automatically 301 redirect to the trailing-slashed/non-trailing-slashed URL if the other is requested and only one exists. You can also manually customize any URL in the database to your liking, which is appropriate if the number of categories is manageable by hand.

Best regards
Monday, 25 June 2018 17:42 UTC
Hmmm... Strange position.
It can be just option in settings.
I believe - this is not your business, how webmaster wants to build his URLs on site.
You should provide all the features and settings.
Anyway, thanks for the answer. Looking another solution.
Best regards.
Monday, 25 June 2018 17:48 UTC

There's always a trade off between flexibility and ease of use so at some point we have to make a choice.

Good luck with your search then.

Best regards
Monday, 25 June 2018 18:50 UTC
Study FlexiContent component.
Any settings for any cases.
Real freedom of action.
These developers think about the users first of all.
Best regards.
Tuesday, 26 June 2018 07:50 UTC
And I think we can all agree Flexi is not the easiest component to work with and get started with. Again, it's a matter of balance, trade-offs and choices.

These developers think about the users first of all.
Not exactly. They think about a certain type of users. And other components think about certain types of users. There is no "one size fits all" here.

Best regards
Tuesday, 26 June 2018 09:00 UTC
FlexiContent much easiest than Seblod.
More power than all Joomla CCK, including K2, ZOO etc.

For novice users It works out of the box.
For experts - it have a huge settings.

Regarding your component. You can just add setting to hide or display slashes. But slashes should displays by default.
And you'll get new customers.
Limiting the options of the component, just because it will be easier for ordinary users - it's silly.
Best regards. ;)
Tuesday, 26 June 2018 09:06 UTC

Thanks for your suggestions.

Best regards
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