regarding the exclusion of one's own IP address from 4Analytics, and given that my IP address is dynamic, is it possible to use a service like No-IP to exclude it?
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regarding the exclusion of one's own IP address from 4Analytics, and given that my IP address is dynamic, is it possible to use a service like No-IP to exclude it?
Not sure I understand, No-IP-like systems assign a domain name to an IP address, do you have a domain name that could be checked to learn your current IP address?
Best regards
Yannick Gaultier
weeblr.com / @weeblr
yes, I choose a domain name in NO-IP that I assign to my IP address, I use this procedure for Admintools, so as not to be blocked, I was wondering if it's possible to use this same procedure in 4Analytics
Well, no I had no plans on doing that, it's probably not the widest usage and at this time, I have quite a few more features to add.
The biggest issue I'd have with this is performance. I would have to check your IP address with no-IP for each page view. At best, I can cache for a few of minutes but then I'd risk losing a change of IP address, which would make the whole thing not really reliable.
I have added this to our tracker but don't expect a quick resolution.
Best regards
Yannick Gaultier
weeblr.com / @weeblr
ok, then what do you suggest for preventing the analysis of one's own site when using a dynamic IP address? I imagine I'm not the only one facing this issue...?
ok, then what do you suggest for preventing the analysis of one's own site when using a dynamic IP address? I imagine I'm not the only one facing this issue...?
I don't suggest anything - and you are absolutely the first one to ask for anything like that. The solution is likely what you describe, and it's a bad solution.
Let me quote Akeeba Admin Tools documentation on that feature:
While Admin Tools makes it possible to use a dynamic DNS for allowing access by IP address it may be problematic for two reasons. First, it's terrible for performance as a DNS resolution must be done for every page load of your site where the list of allowed IP addresses must be read.
Furthermore, all dynamic IP providers have a default timeout for the dynamic DNS entries varying from 1 minute to 1 hour. If your IP changes within that period your server might be "blind" to the change.
At this point, the good questions to ask are:
- how many non-logged in frontend pages are you looking at each day, compared to your daily visitors. Will this have any impact?
- can't you just view the site frontend logged-in?
Best regards
Yannick Gaultier
weeblr.com / @weeblr
I had asked Nicholas on how to avoid blocking a dynamic IP address, but he hadn't warned me about performance issues, I use this solution on all my sites where Admintools is installed and I've never had any slowdowns.
I wonder if "Connecting with a dynamic IP address" or "Not blocking a dynamic IP address" via a dynamic DNS service has the same impact on performance, since I assume they are two different approaches...?
Anyway, when I check my websites pages I'm never connected on the front-end, I always do it as non-logged user...
...well, I'll see if I can find another solution on how to exclude my IP address, thanks anyway!
but he hadn't warned me about performance issues
He wrote an entire paragraph in Admin Tools about this. Just below the description of the feature, he has an entire nearly as long paragraph, strongly advising NOT to use that feature :)
I've never had any slowdowns.
You would not notice that if all goes well
I wonder if "Connecting with a dynamic IP address" or "Not blocking a dynamic IP address" via a dynamic DNS service has the same impact on performance, since I assume they are two different approaches...?
I don't know what you mean by "connecting". The work to do is, for each page view, for each single visitor on your website, to call the DNS server to know what's the current IP address for "iorbitanet.noip.com". And then you can see if the current visitor IP address is the same as your (dynamic) IP address. You don't want to do that unless you really, really must do it.
Anyway, when I check my websites pages I'm never connected on the front-end, I always do it as non-logged user...
OK, then how many pages per day do you view to check your website pages, as a percentage of the total number of pages viewed by all your visitors? and it's likely better to count that over a week, as you there may be day you don't check as often as others.
That would be your "error" on measuring page views on the site.
Best regards
Yannick Gaultier
weeblr.com / @weeblr