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#11386 – Trial Version

We do not have any trial version of 4SEF, or any of our extension for that matter. These are open-source, GPL licensed extensions: once you have them, you have them, we can't just disable things, as they can be enabled back by anyone.
Our goal is to remove unwanted parameters from URLs, 4SEF can handle this, right?
As usual, it depends: on what extension, or Joomla, is creating theses URLs, why do they have parameters (very often it's totally ok to have "parameters"), are these just a few URLs or your site creates a lot of them.
So rather than a trial version, I'd suggest you describe in full the actual problem you are trying to solve, with full and real URLs, how they are produced, etc
Best regards
Yannick Gaultier / @weeblr

We can't find the download link for 4SEF, thus we requested for trial version. May we request for actual link to the plugin?
You can't. There's no trial version as explained in my first response.
GSC reported a couple of URLs resulting to 404 and 500 errors, however, these pages are not referred internally and we don't want to lose those traffic either so the plan is remove unwanted parameters in the URLs.
1 - If GSC reports them, they are on your site somewhere, because otherwise Google would not list them
2 - Having 404s is not a problem and you are not losing any traffic. That warning in GSC only means Google found a link somewhere and its a 404. You are not losing any traffic because as the page is 404 (or 500), they do not send any traffic to you.
3 - What makes you thinkg parameters are causing the 404 or 500?
Best regards
Yannick Gaultier / @weeblr

not necessarily, there are links from "good websites" that we can't contact all of them to adjustthe link.
It is, if the page exists when those parameters are removed!
OK but then I don't understand what you are trying to do. If these links are not internal, then how an extension running on your site is going to fix the links on somebody else website?
What you are looking for is simply redirects. A few lines in your .htaccess should do.
the only way to try is to pay $69? I htought it's open source?
Euh yes, it's open-source and GPL licensed. Are you confusing open-source and free of charge? Open-source software must be paid for to be developed, like all other software.
Best regards
Yannick Gaultier / @weeblr
Best regards
Yannick Gaultier / @weeblr