Thanks for your message. You are on public forum, where we can only reply to pre-sale questions.
We provide support to our subscribers through our helpdesk.
After logging in, please open a ticket describing as clearly as possible the problem you're experiencing.
(like: https://www.witraze.info/en/index.php?option=com_k2&Itemid=1351&id=1649&lang=en&layout=item&view=item ).
Note that this URL is indeed a 404 and it has nothing to do with K2 being there or not. It's just an invalid URL, due to the /en/ bit at the start. The correct URL is likely to be https://www.witraze.info/index.php?option=com_k2&Itemid=1351&id=1649&lang=en&layout=item&view=item
Closing this ticket now, feel free to open a new one as needed. If you do so, please mention this ticket number in the new one.
If you created any superadmin account for us, be sure to delete or block it now to avoid unnecessary risk in the future.
Best regards
Yannick Gaultier
weeblr.com / @weeblr