I'm not sure if I can receive help for the issue I'm experiencing. The problem is not related to a Weeblr extension but I thought I'd inquire here with the hope that I may be pointed in the right direction.
I have 2 Joomla 4 sites. On one I've successfully removed "index.php" from URLs. An example is https://j4cms.mwvdev.info/contact-us.html. On another site, https://townofstewiacke.mwvdev.info/index.php, I'm unable to remove "index.php". I would prefer, for example, to have https://townofstewiacke.mwvdev.info/explore.html instead of https://townofstewiacke.mwvdev.info/index.php/explore.html.
On townofstewiacke.mwvdev.info when I set "Use URL Rewriting" to Yes under SEO in the Site tab of Global Configuration I either get a white "Not Found" page or a PHP error message "Sorry, your PHP version is not supported". The error message is dependent on what is in the .htaccess file.
The same setting is set to Yes on j4cms.mwvdev.info without an issue. Both sites are hosted on the same server.
I'd like to mention the same .htaccess file is in the root folder of both sites when there is the PHP error screen for townofstewiacke.mwvdev.info. Is this possibly a server-side issue?
At some point PHP on the server is going to be updated. This may solve the problem. What I'm wondering is why both Joomla 4 sites behave differently.
Can this problem be solved by 4SEF when it becomes available? Just wondering, is 4SEF expected to be released before October 2022?
Thank you,