Helpdesk is open from Monday through Friday CET
#11478 – Ticket submission for 4SEO is not working

You don't seem to have any subscription, active or not, under this account (sara-charmingvillas-net) so you indeed cannot post any support ticket.
Maybe you purchased your subscription under another account?
Best regards
Yannick Gaultier / @weeblr

You're welcome! Closing this ticket now, feel free to open a new one as needed. If you do so, please mention this ticket number in the new one.
If you created any superadmin account for us, be sure to delete or block it now to avoid unnecessary risk in the future.
4Command brings you Faster and Simpler Joomla (3, 4 & 5) website content management and administration.
4AI is the AI-powered assistant for Joomla 3,4&5. Discover it now!
4SEO is our modern, all-in-one SEO extension for Joomla 3,4 & 5: meta data, structured data, open graph tags, sitemaps, search console connector, content replacement and much more!
Best regards
Yannick Gaultier / @weeblr