On acianf.com.br an error is thrown and prevents loading a page from component JBusiness Directory.
This is the traceable error message on log:
Uncaught Throwable of type Exception thrown with message "Página não encontrada". Stack trace: #0 [ROOT]/plugins/system/forsef/vendor/weeblr/forsef/model/router.php(460): Weeblr\Forsef\Model\Parser->parseUri(Object(Joomla\CMS\Router\SiteRouter), Object(Joomla\CMS\Uri\Uri)
How can we fix this?
Best regards!
Helpdesk is open from Monday through Friday CET
#11388 – How to fix an uncaught throwable

Thanks for your message. You are on public forum, where we can only reply to pre-sale questions.
We provide support to our subscribers through our helpdesk.
After logging in, please open a ticket describing as clearly as possible the problem you're experiencing.
In your case, this is just an exception thrown by 4SEF saying that a 404 happend (the page does not exist), so the question is not about preventing it to happen.
Best regards
Yannick Gaultier
weeblr.com / @weeblr

Tks Yannick!
I posted this under "My support requests" on User's menu, so this is why I thought I was not at any public forum.
Anyway, my question was not on how to prevent this warning but rather, as expressed on ticket title, how to fix the issue that prevents the component page to be shown.
Any tips on this will bu much appreciated.
Best regards!

I tried something here and behavior changed, so this might give us a clue. Maybe someone in this forum can come out with a tip.
I created a menu item of the componente type that should be displayed and now users get this error:

I posted this under "My support requests" on User's menu, so this is why I thought I was not at any public forum.
And when you do that, you have to first chose a category. You selected "SEOInfo and other Weeblr extensions", which is definitely not where we provide support for 4SEF users :)
Anyway, because you posted here, I had to manually check and I can see that you let your 4SEF subscription expired, which is why you can't access the 4SEF category.
We provide support and updates to our users with an active subscription, so please before we can go any further, purchase a new 4SEF subscription and you will then be able to open a ticket in the 4SEF category.
Best regards
Yannick Gaultier
weeblr.com / @weeblr


You're welcome, but I'm not sure why you're thanking me ?
Anyway, Closing this ticket now, feel free to open a new one as needed. If you do so, please mention this ticket number in the new one.
If you created any superadmin account for us, be sure to delete or block it now to avoid unnecessary risk in the future.
4Command brings you Faster and Simpler Joomla (3, 4 & 5) website content management and administration.
4AI is the AI-powered assistant for Joomla 3,4&5. Discover it now!
4SEO is our modern, all-in-one SEO extension for Joomla 3,4 & 5: meta data, structured data, open graph tags, sitemaps, search console connector, content replacement and much more!
Best regards
Yannick Gaultier
weeblr.com / @weeblr