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#11203 – 4video and youtube is - bad TTFB

Posted in ‘SEOInfo and other Weeblr extensions’
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Monday, 22 July 2024 13:56 UTC


I noticed that if I activate 4video on the site, the loading speed of the homepage significantly decreases. It’s strange that PageSpeed Insights shows a JavaScript file from YouTube loading on the homepage, which is almost 800KB. If I disable 4video, that thing which affects TTFB doesn’t appear anymore. What can I do to use 4video but eliminate the TTFB and response latency problem?

I know it’s not okay to ask here, and that 4video is free, but I really like the component and want to use it. If it were a paid option, I would definitely buy it. Maybe you should consider making it a paid option for video blogs to function like 4podcast.

This is the TTFB issue presented by both Google PageSpeed and GTmetrix:

https://www.youtube.com/s/player/d60b0ef9/player_ias.vflset/en_US/base.js 746KB

 The rest of the issues are resolved now, and TTFB is good, but I have deactivated 4video

Thank You



Monday, 22 July 2024 14:08 UTC


It’s strange that PageSpeed Insights shows a JavaScript file from YouTube loading on the homepage, which is almost 800KB. If I disable 4video, that thing which affects TTFB doesn’t appear anymore.

You are being confused here. TTFB relates to what happens on your server

Loading javascript from YouTube does not affect TTFB.

What can I do to use 4video but eliminate the TTFB and response latency problem?

As usual, you first need to identify what is causing the increase in TTFB. I can already tell you that's not 4Video, because 4Video does not do anything on your server, it's just a module loaded by Joomla, 4Video itself does not have any impact.

that if I activate 4video on the site, the loading speed of the homepage significantly decreases

That does not mean 4Video is causing the delay.

What you need to do is enable Debug system option in Joomla Global configuration and compare the speed report with an without 4Video enabled.

This should give you an indication of what is causing the delay on your server.

Best regards

Yannick Gaultier

weeblr.com / @weeblr



Monday, 22 July 2024 18:44 UTC

I tested the website speed with and without 4video. With 4video, that YouTube element appears as shown in the image, and the TTFB (Time to First Byte) loads slowly. Without 4video, that element disappears, and the website loads reasonably well at 0.8 seconds. I don’t understand this either, which is why I asked. What can I do?Captura%20de%20ecran%20din%202024-07-22%20la%2021.36.31.png



Tuesday, 23 July 2024 07:42 UTC


With 4video, that YouTube element appears as shown in the image, and the TTFB (Time to First Byte) loads slowly.

1 - That does not mean 4Video is the cause of the slow down.

2 - YouTube element being loading in javascript, in your browser is UNRELATED TO TTFB. TTFB is the time your server requires to return a response. TTFB does not care about your browser or javascript loaded in the browser.

Please reply to exactly my questions and do what I suggest. Do not do other things that are not relevant to your problem.

PS: you realize that if you want to display a YouTube video you have to load the YouTube player, right?

Best regards

Yannick Gaultier

weeblr.com / @weeblr


Tuesday, 23 July 2024 16:30 UTC

The answer to your question is: yes. With 4 videos, it loads more slowly. Without 4 videos, it loads more easily. We also showed this with images. I am trying to find a solution to use 4 videos. I’m not saying that the problems with TTFB are because of the 4 videos. I also don’t understand why, with 4 videos active, the JavaScript appears on the first page and loads more slowly. It seems ridiculous, but that’s what I’ve observed, and that’s what I’ve told you. Google PageSpeed Insights tells me that the JavaScript is the problem

Tuesday, 23 July 2024 17:09 UTC


With 4 videos, it loads more slowly. Without 4 videos, it loads more easily.

This does not mean the problem comes from 4Video.

The answer to your question is: yes

THis was not my question. My suggestion is:

What you need to do is enable Debug system option in Joomla Global configuration and compare the speed report with an without 4Video enabled.

This should give you an indication of what is causing the delay on your server.


I’m not saying that the problems with TTFB are because of the 4 videos

This is what you are saying. You said that from the first post.

And I told you what to do, but you did not do it (enable Debug System).

Google PageSpeed Insights tells me that the JavaScript is the problem

No, GooglePageSpeed Insight does not tell you that. Google PageSpeed Insight does not tell you anything.

It only tells you that when you have a YouTube video on the page, you load the YouTube video player (wich is javascript).

This is NORMAL and this is what happens on all pages that appears on the internet.



Please have a look at what Joomla Debug system says.

Also, of course, if you use speed extensions (JCH, JSpeed) or Cloudflare, disable them. They are nearly always a cause of slow down.

Best regards

Yannick Gaultier

weeblr.com / @weeblr




Friday, 23 August 2024 05:34 UTC
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