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#10758 – Need to switch to 4SEF & 4SEO but first I need sh404sef importer to migrate from Mijosef

I viewed your downloads page but it doesn't list sh404sef as you have discontinued it
You are only viewing the downloads for users without any subscription, there's more depending on your subscription(s).
You will get the last public version of sh404SEF (and the importer) as part of the 4SEF subscription. sh404SEF and the importer are not updated any longer, but should work fine on any Joomla 3 site, at least running PHP 7.4 (not tested with PHP 8).
This will let you handle your SEF URLs, arguably the most important part of your migration.
4SEO will be needed to do any SEO work, including import metadata or redirects that you may have coming from Mijosef/sh404SEF.
As a reminder, all migration work must happen on Joomla 3. sh404SEF and the importer must be uninstalled before migrating to Joomla 4 or 5.
4SEF, 4SEO and 4AI operates the same from Joomla 3 to Joomla 5.
Best regards
Yannick Gaultier / @weeblr

1. We are willing to purchase the subscription for 4SEO and 4SEF, and eventually sh404SEF for migration to them
There's no sh404SEF subscription. Only 4SEO and 4SEF (and our other products such as 4AI of course). Although discontinued and unsupported, sh404SEF is made available as part of the 4SEF subscription, as a courtesy.
Is it yearly or one time payment.
It's a yearly payment.
Will the subscription work forever if we do not want the support
As all Joomla extensions, it's distributed under the GPL license. No restriction on usage or operation can be applied to it so you will always be able to use the version you have.
The subscription does not affect the extension operation. The subscription gives you access to our servers to download new versions mostly, and also support of course.
if we do not want the support etc. Although, updates will be required
May I suggest that you just think again about what happened to you with Mijosef and possibly others?
The exact reason why you are in trouble is because too many users are OK to pay once but not on a continuous basis, every year.
Yet, the version you get today will not work for ever. It will need to be updated to Joomla 6, 7, 8. To new requirements from your browser, your hosting company. And also by Google and SEO in general.
If you pay for the first year and then stop paying because "You don't need the support", well, sorry but when comes Joomla 6 or 7, I won't be there to write the new versions, just like MijoSEF or JoomSEF are not there anymore.
But it's your call...
By the way, that's also the reason I do not do any discount, ever. Not today, not for new users, not for old users, not on CyberMonday, Black Friday, New Year's day, etc (the only exception is the renewal discount for active subscribers)
If I do discount, I have to increase the price of my products to compensate for the discount. I prefer to have the lowest price possible, for everyone, all year long.
Best regards
Yannick Gaultier / @weeblr