My SH404SEF extension for our nonprofit organization expired as I battled extreme health issues. I need the new 4SEF now, then delete SH404SEF after installing 4SEF correct?
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#10122 – My installed SH404SEF expired, now get 4SEF?

So first, sh404SEF is not entirely gone just yet. If you purchase a 4SEF subscription today, it comes with the last version of sh404SEF, which will continue working (on Joomla 3) for the foreseeable future - although with no future updates.
As for what to replace sh404SEF with, it depends on what you are using it for.
- 4SEF strictly and only does one thing: SEF URLs. It has absolutely no other feature which can be found in sh404SEF such as metadata management, creating redirects, OpenGraph tags, etc
4SEF can import custom URLs from sh404SEF (when still on Joomla 3) and will generally create the same URLs as sh404SEF would.
- 4SEO is our current all-one-one SEO extension. It does many things that sh404SEF did (metadata management, redirects) but does also much more: sitemaps, full structured data generation, content replacer, Google search console data extraction and analysis. It typically replaces 2 or more extensions.
4SEO does NOT do SEF URLs. It can import metadata and redirects from sh404SEF (again, while still on Joomla 3).
So I'd say:
- the bare minimum is 4SEF as you need to maintain your website URLs the same at all time
- if you use features that are more related to SEO, then you need also 4SEO.
Best regards
Yannick Gaultier / @weeblr

OK thank you. As you may recall, we are a nonprofit charity that supports abused and trafficked children, so I will have to stick with the 4SEF for now while I update our sites to Joomla 4 (finally). We used to get a 20% discount which I believe required a code. Is that still available?

We used to get a 20% discount which I believe required a code. Is that still available?
I do not offer, and did not offer any form of discount to any one at any time. The only exception, and this may be what you are referring to, is that users with an active subscription (ie before their subscription expire) do get a 20% discount when renewing. Again, this is for active subscriptions, before expiration.
The reason is simple: if I offer discount (to student, to non-profits, to education organizations, or just to promote our extensions), then I have to increase my normal prices to compensate (ie integrate a marketing budget).
I do not want to do that and instead want to provide the absolute lowest price to all users, at all times.
That's one of the reasons, for instance, for which prices have not increased over the last couple of years despite the economic turmoil and inflation we're seeing.
I am currently trying to avoid that and am in the process of offering 2 types of subscription instead: Regular (3 websites) and Pro (200 websites) so that agencies, who can in theory pay a bit more, can contribute more.
I hope this mechanism will allow me to avoid price increases above the board, which have now become inevitable if nothing else changes.
Best regards
Yannick Gaultier / @weeblr

OK Yannick. I recalled 20% off somehow but couldn't recall what I had to do to get that.
Thanks, Blair Corbett

Like I said, there never was any form of discount in this company ever. Aside from the 20% renewal discount which requires to have an active, non-expired subscription. Other than that, we do not have any discount and never had.
Best regards
Yannick Gaultier / @weeblr