You're welcome! To identify what's causing a HIGH LCP, you should use the Dev tools in Chrome, more specificaly the Lighthouse tab.
Go to the page you want to analyze and then run "Generate report" on the Lighthouse tab (you can only check the "Performance" option, else the diagnostic may be longer). Then scroll down to the "Diagnostics" section and you'll see an item called "Largest Contentful Paint element".
This will tell you which is the HTML element on that page that was used to compute the LCP number.
You still need to look at the "Waterfall" to know what's the TTFB (Time to first byte) of that page.
TTFB is the time it took your server to respond with the page content. When the browser gets the page content, it can start fetching the CSS, javacript and images (let's call that Transfer time) , and then start displaying the actual page, up to the point where the largest element on the page is displayed (let's call that additional time: Display time).
So your LCP time as measured by Google is TTFB + Transfer Time + Display time. Usually the biggest parts are TTFB and Transfer time, and that's also where you can more easily do things.
Best regards
Yannick Gaultier
weeblr.com / @weeblr