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#8572 – How to change initial website url ?

Posted in ‘4SEO’
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Monday, 07 March 2022 15:50 UTC

Hi Yannick,

I am still learning how to grasp the true power of your awesome extension. I feel like it's super powerful but for some unknown reason can't find my way yet in the realm of 4SEO.

My question relates to my website url which is detected as [redacted].fr rather than [redacted]. I think that I configured initially (first install of 4SEO) as [redacted].fr but can't find how to change it after initial step. Can you please help me out or guide me in the right way on how to do this?


Monday, 07 March 2022 15:53 UTC


Thanks for the nice comment. The website main address is set under Pages | Settings.

After changing the address, you will need to click also on Rebuild now in the Sitemaps page toolbar so that a new sitemap is generated.

Best regards

Yannick Gaultier

weeblr.com / @weeblr


Monday, 07 March 2022 16:08 UTC

Hey Yannick,

What a quick reply! Great. I found where it is. I was wondering if it might not be better UX if every settings related stuff where in a setting menu or better yet an omnisearch which would find any settings related to 4SEO at the top of the admin interface of 4SEO.

One more thing. I get a lot of could not save configuration errors but it saves it ok. Maybe that's another ticket.

Monday, 07 March 2022 16:33 UTC


 I was wondering if it might not be better UX if every settings related stuff where in a setting menu 

This is where we come from with sh404SEF and that's OK for smaller extensions, not when you start having many options. For 4SEO, I elected to have "logical" grouping: all Pages/page analysis settings are on the Pages page, all Structured data settings are on that page, same for sitemaps etc. Having a single place is just too much of an issue when you have a couple hundreds settings.

better yet an omnisearch which would find any settings related to 4SEO at the top of the admin interface of 4SEO

I don't believe an omnisearch is suited for non-developers users. In addition, in most cases, people actually don't know what to search for. In any case, you'd need a centralized settings area for that, which I'm not in favor of anymore.

One more thing. I get a lot of could not save configuration errors but it saves it ok. Maybe that's another ticket.

If you can provide reproducible conditions, yes. I have not heard of it yet and have not experienced that myself.

Best regards

Yannick Gaultier

weeblr.com / @weeblr


Monday, 07 March 2022 16:53 UTC

Ok. I understand your vision for the 4SEO project.

Indeed omnisearch is mainly for power users.

Have a great day.

Monday, 07 March 2022 17:09 UTC


Thank you, same to you!

Best regards

Yannick Gaultier

weeblr.com / @weeblr


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