but is this setting in 4SEO as I can't find it,
It is. Use Configuration | Extensions then select sh404SEF/4SEF.
or does it refer to the SEF URLs toggle in the SEO section of Global Configuration.
That is a Joomla-only option. Please pay attention to the callout at the end of the page: for this to work, you can - and should - uninstall sh404SEF from the site before upgrading to Joomla 4 but you must leave the data in place, in the database. This is the default option in sh404SEF, when you uninstall it, all database content is left in place. Just make sure you don't change the defaul options in sh404SEF config for this.
Secondly, with regards to wanting to use SEF URLs on Joomla 4, I found a thread on the help desk with "when Joomla 4 is stable, we will have a small Joomla 3&4 extension that will take over the URL management part of sh404SEF, and provide a transparent migration from Joomla 3 to Joomla 4 for SEF URLs and custom meta data."
See: https://weeblr.com/blog/joomla-4-is-there-what-s-up-for-sh404sef-and-wbamp
Unfortunately, what I thought would be a small, simple extension just to create or customize SEF URLs has turned into a gigantic thing, as its only point is to maintain backward compatibility with sh404SEF URLs. And so it has to honor all possible options in URL configuration from sh404SEF - several hundreds.
So this is a work in progress, and I still hope to have a beta version this quarter but not any sooner. Be sure to monitor the blog and the newsletter for any release information.
I'm assuming I'd be able to set the SEF URL's in 4SEO
4SEO will never, ever deal in any way with SEF URLs.
or would you recommend a temporary/permanent alternative to use alongside 4SEO.
I am not aware of any solution that can do this until 4SEF is ready. A permanent choice is to drop sh404SEF. All - and more - SEO features are already handled by 4SEO. 4SEO will also auto-redirect sh404SEF URLs to corresponding joomla ones.
But that's still a URL change and this wil have a negative SEO impact, even if temporary. Also, it depends on how you were using sh404SEF, whether you also have meta data created with it (there will be an importer for meta data from sh404SEF to 4SEF), etc
Changing URL might be OK for a small site, with only a few or a few dozens pages, but likely not for anything larger than that.
Best regards
Yannick Gaultier
weeblr.com / @weeblr