There's no difference betwen 410 and 404, Google has stated that multiple times publicly. That's the reason I don't handle them differently.
that with dedicated 410-errors you can make sure that certain URLS are deleted from the index.
It makes no difference. In both cases, pages are removed from the results really quick, like 24 hours or less after they have been discovered.
In both cases, they stay in the index, they are just not used as results. And for the next year or so, they also come back and check on them in case you fixed a problem and the page is back. But during all that time, the page is still not offered as a result.
Kinsta are a reference for servers. 410 being "Gone" is the web server technical definition. That's not what's used in SEO.
cleaning old, unwanted urls from the index and/or GSC with 410-errors (optional, by url) would be a really nice PRO-feature tbh.
It makes no difference and is certainly not pro, it's more of one of these myths that dates back from 15 years ago. Google went public with the fact they treat both the same from 2012 and had to say that again multiple times since then:
2018: https://www.searchenginejournal.com/google-404-status/254429/
2024: https://www.seroundtable.com/googledifferences-between-410-404-minimal-37205.html
The origin of the "myth" is from some tweet from 2010 by John Mueller.
Best regards
Yannick Gaultier
weeblr.com / @weeblr