I have setup 3 alternative languages to the default which are produced when a visitor selects the language (GP Translate) and is stored to the database but when 4seo does an analysis of the site it shows language url's to pages that have not yet been translated.
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#11373 – Language URL's

it shows language url's to pages that have not yet been translated.
1 - 4SEO collects the links to pages it finds on your site, and analyze them, so this is good, it finds your alternate languages
2 - 4SEO is only compatible with the Joomla native multilingual system. I don't know how "GP Translate" operates, but if it does not create proper multilingual versions of each article and items in your website, 4SEO won't see that.
Also, and assuming GP Translate is indeed using the native Joomla multilingual system, if GP Translate only translates a page when a real visitor, using a real browser, loads a given language version of a page (ie they use some javascript), then 4SEO not being a real user, with a real browser, it will not trigger a translation.
So again, assuming GP Translate is correctly using the Joomla multilingual API, 4SEO can only see the pages that have already been translated, but it likely cannot trigger the translations.
Now one way to improve the situation may be to do a Reset Analysis (under Pages | Settings | Site analysis) and run a full manual analysis (Analyze Now button in the Pages page toolbar): 4SEO should pick up the already translated content.
Again: this is assuming GP Translate is using Joomla ML system. If not, and they have their own database storage system, there's no hope this can work.
Best regards
Yannick Gaultier
weeblr.com / @weeblr