There's nothing to do. 4SEO works just like Google. It crawls your site, starting from your home page.
It looks for all links on that page then loads each of these links and repeat the process. This is how pages are added to the Pages list.
And then pages added to the Pages list are in turn added to the sitemap (after a few validation checks).
So if 4SEO does not see all these links then it means:
- they are not actual links on the page
- Google cannot see them either
You will see that all MyLocation are in a iFrame. The component is made like that. I know it is not ideal.
That's just the map, there's no link there and so it does not matter.
The problem is in the list of members below the map. That list should have real links, that both Google and 4SEO can find.
Currently it's rendered as:

And that's link Google will never, ever find. And even if 4SEO or Google would see it, that link is pure javascript, so I have no idea what the actual link is. For your information, here how the page looks with javascript disabled (which is how Google will first see this page):

In short, if this page is the only way to access your members list, then you cannot have them rank in any way. Even if you put them in your sitemap (manually), Google will very, very likely never index these pages - because they are not linked from anywhere on your site.
Solutions are:
- add them manually to the sitemap:

but again: don't expect Google to rank or even index them without actual links from somewhere on your site
- ask JoomUnited to change how they do these links. Without javascript: a/ all members should be listed and b/ they should be real links, the href attribute should have the proper URL rather than javascript
- have another page where you just list all your members, with real links to their own page.
Best regards
Yannick Gaultier
weeblr.com / @weeblr