Error 19/03/2024, 22:13:19,288 UTC source: forSEOGlobalErrorHandler
Fetch 19/03/2024, 22:13:19,256 UTC source: wblib_fetch
status: 508 method: GET duration: 167ms memoized: No
URL: /administrator/index.php?nolangfilter=1&_wblapi=/forseo/v1/configs/integrations
Helpdesk is open from Monday through Friday CET
#10938 – It doesn't work, after the first time it broke again

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I have no active redirects

I have no active redirects
Yes, you do and that's what's causing the problem. 4SEO works fine, but you have added redirects for some URLs which are not working properly - because they are creating a redirect loop. This is visible when opening the Network tab of the browser development tool:
Look at your .htaccess file, you most likely have one or more redirect for "index.php" (which is something that should never be done on a Joomla site).
It can also be done by a system plugin, but .htaccess is usually where these rules are added.
Best regards
Yannick Gaultier
weeblr.com / @weeblr

Joomla system redirect is disabled. Could it be 4SEF? I'll post the contents of htacces

Joomla system redirect is disabled
Not the Joomla redirect plugin, it does not do 508 redirects
Could it be 4SEF?
4SEF does not do redirects.
I'll post the contents of htacces
You don't have to do screenshots, just copy/paste the content.
I don't see anything special in your .htaccess file but I'm not a specialist. In order, you should:
- temporarily rename your .htaccess file to something else (disabled.htaccess for instance), clear your browser cache and try again, to be sure it's not something in your .htaccess file
- look at your Joomla system plugins and disable one by one those which are not built-in Joomla plugins - be sure to clear your browser cache between each attempt.
- talk to your hosting company and ask if they can identify the source of these 508 redirects. They can also be in the web server configuration file, so that's something else have access to.
Best regards
Yannick Gaultier
weeblr.com / @weeblr