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Hi all,

Last weekend we attended JoomlaDay France 2018. You can see my longer report in this previous blog post.

Peter Martin is a veteran Joomla! site builder and developer from the Netherlands. He's been a well-known and esteemed member of the community for quite a few years. He offered in his session a number of best practices, tips and tricks to save the Joomla site builder a lot of time and efforts on a daily basis. This talk is in English.

We were also able to record sessions from:

  • Olivier Andrieu, probably the most well-known SEO person in France. It was his first appearance at a Joomla event, and he told us all about mobile and vocal SEO optimization. See his talk on this page.
  • Myself! I presented the latest updates to the Accelerated Mobile Pages ecosystem - See my talk here

Feel free to comment or ask questions below!



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Hi all,

Last weekend we attended JoomlaDay France 2018. We were lucky to be invited to talk about AMP on Joomla and joined a full line-up of speakers from all horizons. See my longer report in this previous blog post.

We were also able to record sessions from:

  • Olivier Andrieu, probably the most well-known SEO person in France. It was his first appearance at a Joomla event, and he told us all about mobile and vocal SEO optimization. See his talk on this page.
  • Peter Martin shared a bunch of time-saving tips and tricks for Joomla - His session is here

For those of you speaking French, the above is my full session, recorded live with the full slide decks added. Olivier also spoke in French, while Peter had an English language session.

Feel free to comment or ask questions below!



Written by on

Hi all,

Last weekend we attended JoomlaDay France 2018. We joined a full line-up of speakers from all horizons. See my longer report in this previous blog post.

Olivier Andrieu is probably the most famous SEO in France. He runs the Abondance.com website plus a number of other SEO-oriented sites. He dedicated this talk to how mobile and vocal search are/will shape today's and tomorrow's search engine optimization landscape.

We were also able to record sessions from:

  • Peter Martin, who shared a bunch of time-saving tips and tricks for Joomla - His session is here
  • Myself! I presented the latest updates to the Accelerated Mobile Pages ecosystem - See my talk here

Feel free to comment or ask questions below!



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Hi all,

After a long blogging interruption, we wanted to share a bit of our experience last weekend in Paris where we attended JoomlaDay France 2018. We were lucky to be invited to talk about AMP on Joomla and joined a full line-up of speakers from all horizons:

  • Rowan Hoskyns Abrahall, Open Source Matters president, gave a "state of Joomla" address, with all news about the new management structure put in place last year, and upcoming plans for 2018
  • Arnaud Steckle gave a round-up of webdesign trends in 2018
  • Olivier Andrieu, probably the most well-known SEO person in France, spoke for the first time at a Joomla event, and told us about mobile and vocal SEO optimization. We were able to video-record his session, see it on this page.

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Hi all,

We are releasing sh404SEF version 4.12 today, and I am very happy to announce that it includes vast improvements of 2 sh404SEF major features: the aliases manager and the short URLs (shURL) manager. Alias is the term we use in sh404SEF to talk about redirects. Why not call them redirects? well, it's mostly historical, but today, that old name choice is proving very useful as aliases can be more than just redirects. So what can you do now with sh404SEF that you could not before?

  • Redirect a group of URLs in one go
  • Either redirect or insert a canonical tag instead

And what about short URLs?

  • You can now shorten any URL and not just URLs on your own site

sh404SEF has always had a strong redirect management, but redirecting a group of URLs was an often requested feature. It is especially useful to all of us who are a bit reluctant to jump into .htaccess files and have a hard time mastering those complicated redirects commands. It takes a long time to get them right, and they have a tendency to break your site while your work on them. Editing your .htaccess files is no longer needed for most of the common use cases. For instance, renaming a category or changing URL structure to simplify it can now be handled in a click.

And this was also an opportunity to allow for a very, very easy setup of canonical links: previously, canonical links had to be entered on a URL by URL basis. Now you can use the same simple rules to canonicalize groups of URLs. When is this useful? typically when products or articles can exist in multiple categories for example.

Here is a bit more detail and some screenshots: