sh404SEF version 4.15.2 released
We're pleased to announce the release of sh404SEF version 4.15.2. This is a large maintenance release with several bug fixes and improvements of existing features:
Here are the highlights:
- Regular expressions based redirects should use new syntax for redirect targets ({$1}, {$2} instead of previous {*}). Old format redirects will still work normally
- Protect against extensions using onContentPrepare on raw documents, can break some site features when automatic description generation is enabled
- Remove style tags when automatically building meta-description. Thanks Peter
- Now using base64 encode instead of json for embedding auto-generated descriptions and image tags, more reliable when shortcodes are used in content
- Added support for automatic description with UniteGallery
- Updated Facebook API version to 3.1
- Added Quix short code to list of shortcode to be removed when auto-generating meta description
- On redirects, do not append again query string if the redirect is an exact match
- Structured data phone numbers may loose their required leading + sign
- On multilingual sites, if language code is inserted in default language URLs, the home page canonical is not correct
- Updated Spanish translation
Please see this page for a full changelog. This release is immediately available both from the download area and using the one-click Joomla! updater of your web site.
Best regards