4SEF dashboard with count of SEF URLs created and chart of requests to the site

4SEF version 1.4.0


We're pleased to announce the release of 4SEF version 1.4.0.This is a maintenance release with multiple improvements and a couple of bug fixes.

Here are the highlights:

  • Prevent trying to save a new URL pair without providing a non-SEF
  • Added note that Add URL suffix option must be set to No on Joomla 3 websites when using any other suffix than .html
  • Now using /index.php as API endpoint, should reduce false positive and blocking by security systems on some servers
  • Creating or editing articles may not work when using some 3rd-party articles manager
  • Blur update key when input field not focused
  • Smart title option for multiple articles is not smart enough to work when the page break code in a page does not follow the default ordering created by TinyMCE on Joomla default installation

Please see this page for a full changelog. This release is immediately available both from the download area and using the one-click Joomla! updater of your web site.

Best regards
