sh404SEF version 4.17.0 released
We're pleased to announce the release of sh404SEF version 4.17.0. This is a feature release which addresses an important change in the way Google displays E.U. websites in their results. Be sure to update before the changes takes effect, end of october
Here are the highlights:
- Now adding a robots meta tag for all pages to comply with new Google/EU opt-in requirements to fully appear in search results
- Prevent authentication errors on some Google Analytics servers by using Joomla HTTP client to make requests
- Added a filter, sh404sef_ogp_image_excluded_search_contexts, to let integrators exclude some content types from automatic OGP image search
- Change encoding of description and meta data when using full page cache, can cause styling issue with some components (K2)
Please see this page for a full changelog. This release is immediately available both from the download area and using the one-click Joomla! updater of your web site.
Best regards