4SEO version 4.0.0
We're pleased to announce the release of 4SEO version 4.0.0. This is a feature release with major new things:
Here are the highlights:
- Added an integration with the Google Search Console. Includes one-click connection to Google account, a dashboard page and keywords reports and 3 SEO Insights reports with information not available directly from the Search Console itself, identifying pages and keywords opportunities. All 4SEO Search Console reports use the API, bypassing the 1000 data rows limitation when using the Search Console website directly.
- Can now use multiple simple URLs in the When to run field of any rule, simplyfying the creation of multiple redirects when wildcards or regular expressions cannot be used
- Added noindex header to background task trigger image, avoids possible Soft404 warning in Google Search Console
- Better layout at very low width
- Avoid useless redirects by the Joomla Language Filter on each load of the soft cron pixel
Please see this page for a full changelog. This release is immediately available both from the download area and using the one-click Joomla! updater of your web site.
Best regards