sh404SEF version 4.24.0


We're pleased to announce the release of sh404SEF version 4.24.0. This is a maintenance release with multiple improvements and bug fixes!

Important: sh404SEF now requires Joomla 3.9.0 or more recent. It won't install or update on older Joomla versions.

Important: As per previous notices, all our extensions now require PHP 5.6 as a minimum PHP version. sh404SEF or wbAMP will not install or update if a lower PHP version is detected.

Here are the highlights:

  • Display Whatsapp sharing icon regardless of device size
  • Clarified Joomla and php message on version requirements in install script
  • Updated pagination class to allow templates layout overrides for pagination
  • Removed Offline mode plugin, not needed in a long time due to Joomla handling offline status code properly
  • Hooks to modify page title and custom description can now be ran even if Joomla caching is enabled
  • Depart from Twitter colors on static sharing buttons to give them enough contrast ratio
  • Make sure all static buttons have a unique id attribute for accessibility
  • Possible PHP warning on rare URLs configurations (JReviews)
  • Possible PHP warning when using canonical alias rules

Please see this page for a full changelog. This release is immediately available both from the download area and using the one-click Joomla! updater of your web site.

Best regards

Support for Google Analytics version 4 snippets