4SEO version 1.3.0
We're pleased to announce the release of 4SEO version 1.3.0. This is a feature release with new features, multiple improvements and a few fixes.
Here are the highlights:
- Added OpenGraph and Twitter cards image and content detection for Hikashop
- Added OpenGraph and Twitter cards image and content detection for K2
- Added support for K2 crawling
- Added support for Hikashop crawling and structured data generation
- Added support the FaqPage schema.org element. Questions and answers can be selected with CSS, with short codes or entered manually for a page or a group of pages
- Added an URL input to all Author inputs in Structured data rules as Google shows interest in having a dedicated author page.
- Added display of a URL QRCode for all analyzed page in admin and frontend edit.
- You can now limit the number of replacements made by any replacer rule
- Added OpenGraph and Twitter cards image detection to Contact component support
- Do not include ValidUntil and ValidThrough values in strucured data records if not set
- When URL rewriting is not used, check existence of links that look like actual, physical files before adding the /index.php/ file prefix, can cause incorrect 404 reports for these links.
- When saving with Ctrl+S a rule being created, always close the edit windows to ensure the underlying rules list is refreshed and creation is complete
- Some links on embedded help pages are not working
- When URL rewriting is not used, Allow directive of sitemap file in robots.txt was incorrect
- Structured data published date may sometimes be replaced with modification date
- Active item in main menu may not always be highlighted
Please see this page for a full changelog. This release is immediately available both from the download area and using the one-click Joomla! updater of your web site.
Best regards