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#1494 – jos-Error: Article not found

Posted in ‘sh404SEF’
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Saturday, 05 December 2015 21:21 UTC
We are not getting the 404 "bad karma" page that we used to get. I'm not sure when it started to happen, I just noticed that the URL redirect for a bad page doesn't work if we override the Joomla 404 page.

instead we get jos-Error: Article not found and that's it. 

We can change the 404 error handling to Use Joomla, and we don't get that error.
Monday, 07 December 2015 14:35 UTC

The usual reason for that is that you have either deleted, trashed, or unpublished the __404__ article which contains the error page content, or the "sh404SEF custom content" category it belongs to.

It also tells me that you are running a well outdated version of sh404SEF, as we have switched to another method to display the error page on more recent versions.

Monday, 07 December 2015 14:39 UTC
I am using the latest version of the component and didn't think I needed the article any longer because of the new settings of the newest component… I have the field set with the form for message display in my settings and there is no way to reference an article as we did in the older version.
Monday, 07 December 2015 14:44 UTC

Indeed the last 2 versions don't need that article and that error makes no sense then.

Could you please provide us with superadmin credentials to your website. You can create a temporary account, and delete it afterwards, but it must have superuser level.

Thanks and regards
Monday, 07 December 2015 14:51 UTC
User id: xxxx
Password: xxxx
Admin url: http://xxxx.com. (redirects automatically to protected admin area)

Also, what country are you accessing from? I may need to whitelist that :( Most European/UK and US origins are okay, but our web app firewall is finicky on some)

Note that I have the configuration set to use Joomla currently to avoid the error.

Monday, 07 December 2015 15:22 UTC

I could login fine.

First off, I noticed you have "URL source recording" set to YES. Be aware this is a debugging feature, it can use a lot of database space if left on for extended times. Unless you're debugging something about URLs, make sure it's switched off.

Second, I have enabled the 404 error feature, and it seems to work fine on some pages:

but fails on gibberish URLs, like /kjsdkjfhsdkjfhsdkjfhsd

I'm going to have to take a download (Akeeba is perfect) to install a local copy and debug step by step to figure out what's causing this. It's usually a conflict with a plugin, but that's not something that can be identified remotely.

There's one backup from Backup taken on Saturday, 05 December 2015 13:17 . Can I use that, is it up to date and was the problem showing at that time?


Monday, 07 December 2015 15:51 UTC
Yes you have my permission to use that database for debugging/testing.

That local backup was made before I updated the Events Registration module and Hikashop, but the problem with the jos-error was occurring before that so that should be good for testing.

I had that feature enabled to try and track things down and didn't know to disable it...so I will right away.

My biggest thing are the 404 urls that are mostly outdated search bots and hackers ... I wish there was an auto-purge to get rid of those after a few X days/months, etc. :)


Monday, 07 December 2015 16:07 UTC

I wish there was an auto-purge to get rid of those after a few X days/months, etc. :)

That's would not be very useful, they are basically always the same, so they'll just come back.

We've thought about offering a selector to filter the most common ones out of the results in the backend page, but that makes the MYSQL query fairly large and difficult to run on larger sites without slowing down everything.

I'll keep you updated about our findings.

Monday, 07 December 2015 18:26 UTC

This is caused by a bug in one of your plugins, which has not been updated to use the Joomla 3 API. It is the System - JFBCSystem plugin causing this.

The problem is in /libraries/sourcecoast/openGraphPlugin.php, at line 149. The plugin is doing:
if (in_array(JRequest::getCmd('option'), $this->supportedComponents))

which is not using the proper Joomla 3 API.

The correct code is:
if (in_array(JFactory::getApplication()->input->getCmd('option'), $this->supportedComponents))

You should probably either update if not using the latest version of the extension, or contact the developer to have it updated.

Monday, 07 December 2015 18:30 UTC
SourceCoast hasn't updated their plugins in quite some time. I may have to look for an alternative. I needed it to fully integrate facebook/twitter/amazon login, but now I'm not so sure its that important.

I will make the code changes manually and contact SourceCoast to see if they are aware or planning any updates to address this.

I was actually getting ready to (start drinking) and go at updating the JEvents plugin for sh404sef so I can make it behave the way I want it to but I'm glad I waited until this could be fixed so its not my changes that screwed anything up!!
Monday, 07 December 2015 18:34 UTC

I will make the code changes manually and contact SourceCoast to see if they are aware or planning any updates to address this.

We can probably add a workaround for this. There are still some extensions using JRequest instead of the Application input object, so this may still bite us in the future. Finding those issues takes a lot of time (download backup/set up locally - often a real pain/ debug) so sometimes it's easier on us to acknowledge the fact the some extensions are not updated.

I'll look at it tomorrow.

As for updating sh404SEF plugins, hope you don't need drinking to bear the pain ;)

Monday, 07 December 2015 18:40 UTC
I am not a proficient coder...I'm a 'hack' in the sense of modifying things or tweaking things. I've written applications in my day (can you say or even remember COBOL???)...I'm old in internet years :(

But I want to create custom aliases dynamically for events using the Event's alias field so I don't have to grant admin access to my users that create the events. I looked at the plugin that JEvents has a few times, and every time I dig down into it, I get distracted and lost. So I thought drinking might help!

(it would seem I don't need much of an excuse to drink...but hey, its the holidaze!)

Thanks so much for your help! I edit the file and it is working perfectly. I will let SourceCoast know though because it has been quite a bit of time since they've updated things and they are having problems with some of the Firefox browser plugins in their product. Hopefully they're working on it, but for social share and inclusion there are so many other options out there...JFBConnect was one of the first to do what they did though and I've stuck with them.
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