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We're pleased to announce the release of 4SEO version 4.8.0. This is a feature and maintenance release with multiple improvements and bug fixes.

Here are the highlights:

  • Added a series of shortcodes about Joomla articles, such as article_title, article_category. Can be used with replacer or in metadata SEO rules for instance
  • Can now include or exclude component views on the When to run tab for any rule defined in 4SEO
  • Excluded URLs can now be specified on the When to run tab for any rule defined in 4SEO
  • Multiple input fields are now textareas (multiple rows) for easier entry of longer content
  • Added filter to customize automatically generated canonical links
  • Updated Google search results preview to current Google display
  • Added a filter to disable the 4SEO generator tag
  • Added option to disregard URL case when deciding if a rule (any type of rule) should run or not
  • Removed option: Collect incoming URLs
  • When importing redirects for a non-sef URL, from sh404SEF, default to taking query string in consideration so that they are not interpreted as non-sef to sef redirects
  • Added forseo_ogp_data and forseo_tcards_data filters to let user customize programmatically OpenGraph and Twitter Cards data before they are injected into the page
  • Reverted to prioritising canonical computed by 4SEO after full site analysis over dynamically computed one
  • Added notification on system configuration page if a function file is found
  • Rel canonical links have double & if canonical URL has a query strings with an & character
  • Under some circumstances, pages with a URL containing some non-ascii characters can be considered non-canonical
  • Twitter Cards meta tags are invalid, not using proper syntax
  • On sites installed in a subfolders, redirects rules using regular expressions go to a faulty URL target

Please see this page for a full changelog. This release is immediately available both from the download area and using the one-click Joomla! updater of your web site.

Best regards



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We're pleased to announce the release of 4SEO version 4.7.0. This is a feature and maintenance release with multiple improvements and bug fixes.

Here are the highlights:

  • Added Czech translation
  • Added Portuguese translation
  • Added support for Error pages to apply to Joomla unauthorized access messages
  • Clarified message shown when no import from sh404SEF can take place
  • When replacing a text with a link, existing links were only partially protected against the replacement, sometimes resulting in broken HTML
  • Icon linking to home page on Pages list goes to /null instead of /
  • Redirecting to lowercase may cause some URLs to be excluded from the pages list and sitemap on sites using non-latin characters in their URLs
  • Number of execution of structured data rules is not recorded

Please see this page for a full changelog. This release is immediately available both from the download area and using the one-click Joomla! updater of your web site.

Best regards



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We're pleased to announce the release of 4SEO version 4.6.0. This is a feature and maintenance release with multiple improvements and bug fixes, including the support for IndexNow submission:

Here are the highlights:

  • Added submission to IndexNow from the frontend
  • Added submission to IndexNow from Pages page in 4SEO admin
  • Now showing a warning if the URL used to access the admin is not the same as the one configured for the website home address
  • Added tooltip on all rules title input fields mentioning title is the only searchable field and should be meaningful
  • Always use the configured main site address to build sitemap addresses instead of currently loaded sitemap address
  • Reworked sitemap generation, more efficient, will more often serve stale sitemap until new sitemap is ready, reducing / service unavailable / errors for search engines
  • Added setting for delay between 2 consecutive sitemaps automatic rebuild, change default from 5 to 30 minutes
  • Restored display of Bing last visit to load the sitemap
  • Disabled automatic retrieval of GPS coordinates in Organization structured data, was exceeding GoogleMaps quota and failing too often. GPS coordinates should only be retrieved with the Find coordinates button in the Stuctured Data settings
  • Changed API endpoint address to /index.php/_wblapi. Also always include nolangfilter=1 in API requests, to prevent language filter redirects
  • Toolbar and local menu options to delete a page record now disabled for home page
  • Manual add/refresh page now re-analyze page, even if it was previously excluded from analysis
  • Never add the home page to the list of URLs excluded from analysis
  • Removed link to Twitter sharing tester page, no longer fully active
  • PHP error when triggering updates through the Joomla 4 command-line application
  • Images with a protocol-relative src attribute are not properly extracted from content, resulting in incorrect image link and possibly false-positive broken links
  • sh404SEF importer does not import all redirects/canonicals, including those with external redirects targets
  • Frontend metadata and social networks edit popup can only be closed once, requires a page reload otherwise
  • Tracking of search engines loading sitemap was only working as expected for index sitemap, not for partial sitemaps
  • When checking Joomla Redirect component for redirects in case of a 404, the 4SEO error page will not be displayed if a redirect exists n the form index.php?Itemid=123, and the menu item with ID 123 does not exists
  • 404 error page is not displayed on sites which had sh404SEF when 4SEO was installed, but sh404SEF database tables were deleted since 4SEO installation
  • Possible deprecation warning on PHP 8.x in medata helper for some values of the meta description
  • Possible PHP warning on Hikashop product pages if product has no rating
  • PHP fatal error when generating structured data for Hikashop when it is configured to let users sort comments and reviews on the frontend
  • Possible deprecation warning when creating structured data on PHP 8

Please see this page for a full changelog. This release is immediately available both from the download area and using the one-click Joomla! updater of your web site.

Best regards



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We're pleased to announce the release of 4SEO version 4.5.1. This is a maintenance release with multiple small improvements and bug fixes:

Here are the highlights:

  • Hikashop: do not default to using the website publisher if a brand is not specified for a product
  • More thorough clean-up of Hikashop own generated microdata on product pages
  • Automatic redirect from mixed-case URLs to lower case URLs is now disabled by default.
  • Removed sitemap partial file reading progress
  • Now forcing application/json content type on all POST/PUT/PATCH/DELETE fetch requests, should reduce mod_security incorrectly blocking requests
  • Do not try to log execution of built-in rules (firewall or others), this fills up the log files with useless error data
  • Hikashop structured data records always use default currency instead of actual
  • Automatic redirect to lowercased URLs does not work on multilingual sites if it is only the language code that has the wrong case
  • Automatic redirect to lowercased URLs only works in J4 is a 4SEO custom error page is enabled
  • Search Console integration Connect button is disabled and error message displayed if access key has dashes (-) in it
  • On multilingual sites, OpenGraph OG:locale value is incorrect, uses default language

Please see this page for a full changelog. This release is immediately available both from the download area and using the one-click Joomla! updater of your web site.

Best regards
