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We're pleased to announce the release of 4SEO version 4.9.1. This is a maintenance release with multiple changes and improvements and a couple of bug fixes.

Here are the highlights:

  • Added caption to per page title and meta description fields, to clarify their use
  • Added option to configure the desired approximate length of auto-generated meta description
  • Added option to list only non-canonical pages, in addition to existing 'Only canonical' option
  • (Tiny) performance increase by using better MYSQL count function
  • Added tmpl=form to the list of automatically excluded URLs
  • Do not convert single quotes when output in title, meta description and OpenGraph and Twitter Cards meta
  • Aliases are not properly executed on multilingual sites, except on default language
  • Possible deprecation warning when outputting TwitterCards tags if Twitter account is not filled in

Please see this page for a full changelog. This release is immediately available both from the download area and using the one-click Joomla! updater of your web site.

Best regards




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We're pleased to announce the release of 4SEO version 4.9.0. This is a feature and maintenance release with many changes and improvements, plus several new full translations

Here are the highlights:

  • Added ability to create aliases: another type of redirect which is easier to create, faster to execute but limited in trigger conditions and target URLs
  • Added feature and alert to optionally block IA robots such as those from ChatGPT to crawl the website
  • Added full translation to Arabic, Finnish, Greek, Hungarian, Norwegian, Romanian, Swedish and Chinese
  • Added option to override Joomla full page cache plugin when applying redirects rules
  • When conservative or progressive caching is enabled in Joomla global configuration, 4SEO can now detect and use for social networks sharing the 'Intro' and 'Full' com_content articles images, as soon as the page is analyzed. Before, it would fall back to using the largest image on the page.
  • Now using official schema.org notation for dayOfWeek instead of community shortcuts
  • Now escaping title and meta description before output else invalid characters may break the page output
  • Added workaround for Joomla 4 issue adding layout=blog to pages, may result in incorrect canonical link
  • Now including site host hash and current version in subscribers update authorization request
  • Workaround for Joomla 4 turning spaces in images file names into %20 for local images when used as article images, breaking local image size detection
  • There should not be a custom field selector input field on the Default person tab of structured data settings
  • On frontend editing, IndexNow panel spills over footer

Please see this page for a full changelog. This release is immediately available both from the download area and using the one-click Joomla! updater of your web site.

Best regards




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We're pleased to announce the release of 4SEO version 4.8.1. This is a maintenance release to fix a single bug introduced in last version, 4.8.0.

  • Some redirects are not executed after adding view selection rules parameters in last release

Here are the highlights of 4SEO version 4.8.0:

  • Added a series of shortcodes about Joomla articles, such as article_title, article_category. Can be used with replacer or in metadata SEO rules for instance
  • Can now include or exclude component views on the When to run tab for any rule defined in 4SEO
  • Excluded URLs can now be specified on the When to run tab for any rule defined in 4SEO
  • Multiple input fields are now textareas (multiple rows) for easier entry of longer content
  • Added filter to customize automatically generated canonical links
  • Updated Google search results preview to current Google display
  • Added a filter to disable the 4SEO generator tag
  • Added option to disregard URL case when deciding if a rule (any type of rule) should run or not
  • Removed option: Collect incoming URLs
  • When importing redirects for a non-sef URL, from sh404SEF, default to taking query string in consideration so that they are not interpreted as non-sef to sef redirects
  • Added forseo_ogp_data and forseo_tcards_data filters to let user customize programmatically OpenGraph and Twitter Cards data before they are injected into the page
  • Reverted to prioritising canonical computed by 4SEO after full site analysis over dynamically computed one
  • Added notification on system configuration page if a function file is found
  • Rel canonical links have double & if canonical URL has a query strings with an & character
  • Under some circumstances, pages with a URL containing some non-ascii characters can be considered non-canonical
  • Twitter Cards meta tags are invalid, not using proper syntax
  • On sites installed in a subfolders, redirects rules using regular expressions go to a faulty URL target

Please see this page for a full changelog. This release is immediately available both from the download area and using the one-click Joomla! updater of your web site.

Best regards



Written by on


We're pleased to announce the release of 4SEO version 4.8.0. This is a feature and maintenance release with multiple improvements and bug fixes.

Here are the highlights:

  • Added a series of shortcodes about Joomla articles, such as article_title, article_category. Can be used with replacer or in metadata SEO rules for instance
  • Can now include or exclude component views on the When to run tab for any rule defined in 4SEO
  • Excluded URLs can now be specified on the When to run tab for any rule defined in 4SEO
  • Multiple input fields are now textareas (multiple rows) for easier entry of longer content
  • Added filter to customize automatically generated canonical links
  • Updated Google search results preview to current Google display
  • Added a filter to disable the 4SEO generator tag
  • Added option to disregard URL case when deciding if a rule (any type of rule) should run or not
  • Removed option: Collect incoming URLs
  • When importing redirects for a non-sef URL, from sh404SEF, default to taking query string in consideration so that they are not interpreted as non-sef to sef redirects
  • Added forseo_ogp_data and forseo_tcards_data filters to let user customize programmatically OpenGraph and Twitter Cards data before they are injected into the page
  • Reverted to prioritising canonical computed by 4SEO after full site analysis over dynamically computed one
  • Added notification on system configuration page if a function file is found
  • Rel canonical links have double & if canonical URL has a query strings with an & character
  • Under some circumstances, pages with a URL containing some non-ascii characters can be considered non-canonical
  • Twitter Cards meta tags are invalid, not using proper syntax
  • On sites installed in a subfolders, redirects rules using regular expressions go to a faulty URL target

Please see this page for a full changelog. This release is immediately available both from the download area and using the one-click Joomla! updater of your web site.

Best regards
