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Siteground Spain Accelerated Mobile Pages webinar

Hi all,

Yesterday evening I had the honor and pleasure to be invited to speak about AMP as part of SiteGround Spain series of technical webinars. This was all put together by José Ramón Padrónón Padrón from SiteGround, and Carlos Camara, the well-known co-author of the "Introducción a Joomla!" book. Carlos is also on the sh404SEF and wbAMP translators team for Spanish. Many thanks to both of them.

You will find below the full video recording of the sessions, including the Q&A sessions with the audience. If you prefer the faster way, the slides are also available below, as slides or as a downloadable PDF. As you can guess, all of those are entirely in Spanish.

First, here are the slides I used during the talk:



You can download the slides from our download page, under the "Talks and resources" section. Here is a direct link. And then, thanks to SiteGround video team, the full recorded session:



Hope you enjoy and find something useful for you there. Feel free to ask any additional question in the comments!



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