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We're pleased to announce the release of 4SEF version 1.2.4 - Beta. This is a pre-version, test-only of the final upcoming release of 4SEF!

IMPORTANT: 4SEF is still in beta testing phase. This means it's in the final stages of testing and should be used only with caution as some bugs may happen when used in the real world. Beta testing is meant to identify these issues that cannot be discovered during develoment and internal testing.

We recommend using it on test copies of your website only. If you decide to test on your real website, make sure you have a backup on hand so that you can restore things to their previous state in case something goes wrong.

Here are the highlights:

  • Better display of admin page if an error occurs (system plugin is disabled for instance)
  • Added workaround for cases Joomla router does not remove non-sef variables from URI object, and they were re-appended to SEF URL (eg: /my-article?view=article&id=12&catid=34)
  • Under some circumstances, on Joomla 4, home page links may not be recognized as such

Please see this page for a full changelog. This release is immediately available both from the download area and using the one-click Joomla! updater of your web site.

Best regards



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We're pleased to announce the release of 4SEF version 1.2.3 - Beta. This is a pre-version, test-only of the final upcoming release of 4SEF!

IMPORTANT: 4SEF is still in beta testing phase. This means it's in the final stages of testing and should be used only with caution as some bugs may happen when used in the real world. Beta testing is meant to identify these issues that cannot be discovered during develoment and internal testing.

We recommend using it on test copies of your website only. If you decide to test on your real website, make sure you have a backup on hand so that you can restore things to their previous state in case something goes wrong.

Here are the highlights:

  • When extensions add non-standard variables to Joomla content non-sef, these variables are not passed through as query vars in the resulting URL but are instead stored as part of the non-sef
  • When some extensions are set to use Joomla router (Bypass option), links on some 404 pages are the Joomla ones, not the 4SEF ones

Please see this page for a full changelog. This release is immediately available both from the download area and using the one-click Joomla! updater of your web site.

Best regards



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We're pleased to announce the release of 4SEF version 1.2.2 - Beta. This is a pre-version, test-only of the final upcoming release of 4SEF!

IMPORTANT: 4SEF is still in beta testing phase. This means it's in the final stages of testing and should be used only with caution as some bugs may happen when used in the real world. Beta testing is meant to identify these issues that cannot be discovered during develoment and internal testing.

We recommend using it on test copies of your website only. If you decide to test on your real website, make sure you have a backup on hand so that you can restore things to their previous state in case something goes wrong.

Here are the highlights:

  • Prevent fatal error when creating/editing a SEF URL pair with invalid data
  • When a component is set to use Joomla SEF URLs, it should still get the URL suffix configured in 4SEF, not the default Joomla one, .html

Please see this page for a full changelog. This release is immediately available both from the download area and using the one-click Joomla! updater of your web site.

Best regards
