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 sh404SEF on Joomla 1.0

Hi all,

Joomla! is 10 today :-) A birthday calls for gifts, so we've got some great deals for you, from us and several of our friends in the Joomla! world.

But what a ride this has been!

10 years ago, I remember learning about Joomla! birth with a mixture of feelings. Surprise first: I was really, really not following closely the CMS land at the time. Puzzlement as well: why split from Mambo? what was this all about?. And lastly, a bit of resentment as well! What, now surely I would have to redo most of the few sites I was running on my spare time? And how backward-compatible was this thing going to be? (the more things change, the more they are the same, it seems!). Of course, I didn't want to migrate the dozen extensions I had already written. One of them, a system to get better SEF URLS, was really big and complex for me back then!

One thing I could never have imagined when hearing this new name though is what it would do to me and my life. 10 years later, here I am, part of a small company providing extensions and services to what has become a huge community. Midway through, I quit my job of 20 years in an other, unrelated industry and never looked back. I travelled a more places, in a few more countries, and met wonderful people who managed somehow, despite differences in interest, objective, culture and many other things, to unite and find common grounds upon which to build both an extremely useful piece of software and a community which at the same time use and serve it.

Like many, Joomla! has changed my life. For the better. This is an invaluable thing we have now collectively, and I can only hope seeing - and intend to continue being part of - this community be alive and kicking for the next 10 years and more!

Where does that start? maybe you can treat yourself to a Joomla! T-shirt or hoodies? this will help you look good and spread the Joomla! love at the same time ;-)

To celebrate Joomla! 10th anniversary, we've teamed up with some of the most valuable Joomla! providers to send anniversary deals your way:

JoomUnited U-JOOMLA10TH 30% off all subscriptions until August 24 Enjoy your cake!
Joomlart JOOMLA10 20% off all new Joomla! memeberships until August 24 Enjoy your cake!
Stackideas STACKJOOMLA10TH 20% off the bundles Enjoy your cake!
Templaza J!10TH 40% off all subscriptions until August 23 Enjoy your cake!
ReadyBytes JOOMLA10JOOM 30% off all subscriptions until August 24 Enjoy your cake!

and of course, we're also in:

Here at Weeblr, the joomla10.s20 coupon will get you 20% off all subscriptions until August 19

Let's all enjoy Joomla! next 10 years, together as a whole!




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