2024-09-16Version 2.1.0
chgIncreased max number of Jump to Def entries from 20 to 60
bugPossible PHP warning when saving 4Video module settings (with no other negative effect than the warning)
bugWrong post-installation message
2023-10-17Version 2.0.0
chgMinor tweaks for Joomla 5 compatibility
2022-10-19Version 1.4.2
chgAdded setting to override the maximum width CSS value of the player.
bugDeprecated warning on PHP 8.1
2022-05-31Version 1.4.1
chg4Video should not have a download id
bug4Logs is mentioned in the post-install message instead of 4Video
2022-03-04Version 1.4.0
chgAdded video duration and clip endOffset structured data handling
bugYoutube suggests videos at end of play that are from other channels, should be only from the same channel
2022-02-02Version 1.3.0
newAdded Google structured data for chapters if jump points are defined
newAdded Turkish translation by Mehmet Taş
newNow generating VideoObject structured data for each video embedded with 4Video. Added a few new input fields for data required by Google.
2022-01-07Version 1.2.1
chgLanguage changes to accomodate JED checker
2022-01-07Version 1.2.0